ELECTRAGE Electrage 2013-14 | Page 13

Prateek Yadav Jyothsna Pb Y. Nagesh Patneedi Vijay Kumar Avinash Kumar Tripathi II/IV B.Tech II/IV B.Tech I/IV B.Tech I/IV B.Tech M.Tech [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 5. Branch Coordinator Technozion: J Surya [email protected] B.Tech IV/IV Budget Alloted: Rs 50,000 Purpose: EEA helps students in providing a vision and unleashing many hidden talents in students. The students should play a much more active role in order to channelize and nurture their potential. They should have a learning attitude and dedication in order to become a successful engineer and help the society. The EEA plays a critical role in developing students as it serves as a common platform to impart knowledge to all students. It organizes events and technical talks that enrich students’ knowledge in a broader perspective. Events conducted this academic year:  Teacher’s Day Celebrations  EEA Inaugural + Talk by Chairman & Managing Director of APNPDCL Sri. Kartikeya Misra.  Aurora – Fresher’s event.  EEE @ Technozion. Presentation on EEE events in Technozion, 2013.  Release of Spark Magazine (First and the only magazine by any association) – A brief report on happenings of EEE Dept, events of EEA, technical articles and few guidance from seniors.  Electrifying EEE – Know your branch for first year students.  Industrial Visit by second year’s to Vizag Steel Plant.  Preparatory Placement Activity.  Guest Lecture on Investment Risks and Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Indian Power Sector by P.Tejaswi, AEE, Neyveli Lignite Corporation.  Summer Experiences: Guidance to second year’s on Industrial Training & Internships.  EEE Department Design Contest.  Guest Lecture on How to go about UG & PG Research by Prudhvi, CEO Future Seeds, 2011 Alumni.  EEE Sports Week: Sports were conducted between the students to improve the relations between the students from all years in EEE Dept.  Release of Electrage (First and the only magazine by any association) – Annual Department Magazine of Electrical Engineering Department. 12