Elect Row (South Korea) Vol. 3 | Page 21

ELECTROW VOLUME THREE (contd.) experienced. Next would be DJ Marky. He is a showman with mad skills and brings a varied track list, but with that energetic Brazilian vibe. I would also like to have Jenna G. Not for DJing, but for her live vocal performance with say, Calibre. Calibre has to be one of the best producers out there with consistent vibes that never let you down. Let’s move on to Korea. How has the scene evolved in Korea since DMZ started? What do you think are the most important factors that caused this? HELIX SQUARED: Over the last year, I have seen the scene actually diminish, because there are so many little bass parties going on. Years ago when Club Cargo was the only DnB venue in town, it was packed for every show. Now there are various shows every other week, if not more, so the crowds are split up and are actually breaking the scene. You’ve been throwing events for quite some time now. Especially for bass music, a quality sound system is a huge priority. What are some of the other important things to consider when choosing a venue? HELIX SQUARED: When choosing a venue, you need to be honest with yourself about how many people will actually come. If you try to book a huge venue and don't have a huge following for your line-up, you’re gonna feel heartbroken when it looks empty and the owner gives you a crooked stink eye. I really like smaller, more intimate venues where people have to get a little close. This helps build the energy and excitement. Also, the location of the venue can have a huge impact on the turnout for a crowd. If it is out of the way and lacking public transportation or parking, you're gonna have the crowd dwindling down by 1am. DMZ has featured some really talented MCs over the course of these events (including MC Lucid who performed his final show with the crew last month). What role does the MC play in the DnB scene, and what separates a good MC from the rest. HELIX SQUARED: MC's can be either make or break a vibe. A good MC rolls with the music giving it room to breathe and accentuates the music rather than try to just hear their voice over the music. A talented MC gets the crowd involved and knows how to hype them up! Now that you’ve learned more about DnB and DMZ, be sure to take the opportunity and check the event out in the coming months! Pictured above, MC Lucid, was a regular MC for the DMZ events. He played his last show in March and left Korea on a high note to take over other countries with his talent. Helix Squared mentioned in the past, “Ed and I both knew right from the beginning which MC we wanted to be our host. MC Lucid is without a doubt one of the best in Korea. He does show up and get the crowd involved!” 21