ELE Times March 2017 ELE Times | Page 49

Test & Measurement

Reflections on 40 Years of Test and Measurement and What Lies Ahead

James Truchard PhD , President , CEO , and Cofounder National Instruments
“ All engineers , scientists , and vendors need to embrace new approaches like this to foster the innovation that will ultimately address the grand engineering challenges of our time .”
As I approach the end of my 40-year career as CEO of National
At the time , the tools for financial analysis were “ locked up ” and
Instruments , I am reminded of the great progress and innovations
too expensive for anyone without a big budget to access them .
the test and measurement industry has witnessed since 1976 . We
The early incarnations of spreadsheets turned this situation on its
have gone from an industry driven by vacuum tube technology in
head , and that is exactly what we wanted to do . We wanted to
the era of General Radio to a time when the transistor ruled with
make it so that any engineer or scientist could access the same
Hewlett Packard to today , when software truly is the
tools or platform used by the R & D teams of the leading
instrument — a transition that NI helped shepherd .
technology companies . It was a radically empowering view at the
Moore ’ s law has taken us for a wild , fast ride to say the least , and
time and , in many ways , it still is .
just when you think it ’ s run its course , process innovations extend
“ The Software is the Instrument ”
into new dimensions ( literally ) and push performance even further .
While others might have seen GPIB as a hardware play , we recognized it for what it enabled in terms of software . As the PC
Just like the transistor , NI started from humble beginnings , but it
industry evolved ( as well as Apple ’ s Mac , which we had a special
has relentlessly focused on engineering great products and
affinity for given its graphical user interface ), that GPIB cable
empowering worldchanging innovation through our customers
made it easy to analyze and present data in a customized way for
and platform technology . Allow me to reminisce on what the past
our customers ’ needs . They were no longer confined to the front
40 years have taught me and where I see this market heading as I
panel of an instrument and their pencils and notepads for data
shift into the next phase of my career .
acquisition . The opportunity to innovate then shifted to the
“ Do for Test and Measurement What the Spreadsheet Did for Financial Analysis ”
When Jeff Kodosky , Bill Nowlin , and I started NI in 1976 , we saw tremendous room for innovation in how engineers and scientists interacted with and built test and measurement equipment . We founded the company on the premise that there had to be a better way to serve the test and measurement needs that we , engineers and scientists , faced . We couldn ’ t buy it off the shelf but at least we wouldn ’ t have to build it from scratch .
The general purpose interface bus ( GPIB , IEEE 488 ) was our gateway . Our vision , as stated in 1983 , was to “ do for test and measurement what the spreadsheet did for financial analysis .”
Stated today , the sentence loses some of its power , but think about the early ’ 80s .
software world , where programming languages needed instrument drivers for the connected boxes . Our strategy of writing and supporting those drivers offered a critical service that continues today as NI supports more than 10,000 drivers on the company ’ s Instrument Driver Network .
But that world still left engineers and scientists with the burden of using tools designed for computer science to perform engineering , test , and measurement tasks . Our answer was twofold : LabWindows / CVI , to offer engineering-specific tools in
ANSI C programming , and LabVIEW , a graphical programming paradigm that took the way we think about solving a problem ( in flowcharts and pictures ) and turned it into compiled code . The story was simple : acquire , analyze , and present . Do it in software tools designed for a customer ’ s use case that were easy to learn
ELE Times | 49 | March , 2017