ELE Times March 2017 ELE Times | Page 22

Estonia , it has been reported that data transmission can be
phenomenon too , connecting more and more devices with data
achieved at 1 GB per second speed – which is 100 times faster
transferred at such higher levels .
than current average Wi-Fi speeds .
And due to its limited reach , for certain purposes , Li-Fi are a more
In November 2014 , pureLiFi collaborated with French lighting
secure option than Wi-Fi , i . e . less room for interferences between
company Lucibel to bring out Li-Fi enables products .
devices , making it impossible for hackers to virtually enter any
pureLiFi has already shelved out two products on the market : Li-
internal systems in high-security establishments .
Flame Ceiling Unit to connect to a LED light fixture and Li-Flame
To speak more of its speed efficiency , it is reported that
Desktop Unit which connects to a device via USB , both aiming to
embedded light beams reflected off a surface could still achieve
provide light and connectivity in one device .
70 megabits per second .
With such incredible connectivity and data transmission , Li-FI will
Speaking about the limitations of WI-Fi , US Federal
provide interesting legroom for commercial purposes . With IoT
Communications Commission has warned of a probable spectrum
devices and Li-Fi teaming-up , a wealth of opportunities for
crisis as Wi-Fi is coming close to full capacity . Analysts have
retailers and other businesses alike will see the dawn . Retailers
predicted that IoT devices will soar to 50 million in just four years ,
could now transmit data to multiple customers ' phones quickly ,
and the short supply of radio waves used for Wi-Fi will become
securely and remotely .
crowded .
It has been reported that Apple will soon introduce iPhones with Li-Fi capabilities
Dubai-based telecommunications provider , Du and Zero1 are testing the technology . Du already claims to achieve success in providing internet , audio and video streaming over a Li-Fi connection .
" We are doing a few pilot projects within different industries where we can utilise the VLC ( visible light communication ) technology ," Deepak Solanki , CEO of Estonian tech company , Velmenni said .
" Currently we have designed a smart lighting solution for an industrial environment where the data communication is done through light . We are also doing a pilot project with a private client where we are setting up a Li-Fi network to access the Internet in their office space .”
The Li-Fi market is anticipated to have a compound annual growth rate of 82 % from 2013 to 2018 and to be worth over $ 6 billion per year by 2018 .
' We are going to connect our coffee machine , our washing machine , our toothbrush . But you can ' t have more than ten objects connected in Bluetooth or Wi-Fi without interference ,' said Suat Topsu , founder , and head of Oledcomm .
Li-Fi v / s Wi-Fi
Li-Fi with its 224 gigabits per second might be the fast hare in the race of data transmission , leaving Wi-Fi behind , however certain cons still gives the Wi-Fi edge ahead of Li-Fi .
Li-Fi has almost no limitations on capacity . The visible light spectrum is 10,000 times larger than the entire radio frequency spectrum .
Researchers have reached data rates of over 224 Gbit / s , which is much faster than typical fast broadband in 2013 . Li-Fi is expected to be ten times cheaper than Wi-Fi .
" All we need to do is fit a small microchip to every potential illumination device and this would then combine two basic functionalities : illumination and wireless data transmission ," Haas said . " In the future , we will not only have 14 billion light bulbs , we may have 14 billion Li-Fis deployed worldwide for a cleaner , greener , and even brighter future ."
In October 2011 , the Li-Fi Consortium was formed by the companies and industry groups , to promote high-speed optical wireless systems and to overcome the limited amount of radiobased wireless spectrum available by exploiting a completely different part of the electromagnetic spectrum .
However , this doesn ’ t indicate that Li-Fi will completely replace Wi-Fi in the coming times . The endeavor is to work together with the two technologies , to achieve more efficient and secure networks .
According to Gartner chief analyst Jim Tully , Wi-Fi will continue to evolve and improve its own capabilities , and this could determine how the role of Li-Fi moulds in .
It is estimated that by 2019 , roughly 35 quintillion bytes of information every month will be generated and exchanged globally . With the escalating demand for faster and more efficient wireless networks , with IoT knocking and entering the communication threshold , the future is bright for Li-Fi as a reliable , affordable and more secure solution .
As it is about transmitting data through visible light , Li-Fi signals
are debarred from penetrating through opaque surfaces . This
would require any premise to have LED bulbs throughout all
spaces where connectivity is required . Not to mention , Li-Fi requires the light bulb to be ON at all times to provide
Commercial Endeavors
connectivity . Unlike public Wi-fi services , Li-Fi is limited to only
from companies like PureLiFi and French firm
that spot where LED lights are present and are ON . In simple
Lucibel , there are many others who are working
words , when the LED is ON , the signal transmitted is a digital
on developing LiFi technology :
1 whereas if it is OFF , the signal transmitted is a digital
VLNComm , OLEDComm , LightPointe , i2cat ,
0 .
ByteLight , Nakagawa , Basic6 , Velmenni ,
However , these technical limitations
Zero1 and Axrtek . There are many bigger
seem minor to the remarkable speeds , that is certain to make a huge impact on the IoT players taking interest in this technology , namely , Qualcomm , GE , Panasonic , Philips ,
Samsung and OSRAM .
ELE Times | 22 | March , 2017