ELE Times March 2017 ELE Times | Page 18

Smart Robots
capability . Cognitive science comprises more than just to solve
Humans are the special part of creation and similar amount of creativity is what we expect from things around us . We expect the objects around us to imbibe human like qualities too . Today we can see many types of robots , be it industrial robots , rescue
deterministic problems because they have to deal with real world situations . Cognitive science deals with cognitive phenomena such as perception , attention , anticipation , planning , memory , learning , and reasoning .
robots , cleaning robots , and their common attire is to consider
Reinforcement learning is of the approach smart robotics
humans as obstacle and thus don ’ t collaborate with humans at
developers used . Most robots are executed through string of
social level . On receiving any unexpected contact they stop
codes , instead of series of commands they uses neural networks .
moving , based on internal sensing and not external sensing .
Neural network connects different pattern of neurons to get best
Does just an adjective “ smart ” really differentiate the Smart
Robots from their predecessor ? Answer is yes . Smart Robot is not necessary to be pre-programmed like industrial robots . Pushing into more innovations , smart robots technology focuses on
Sensors , Artificial Intelligence , Cloud Intelligence , Cognitive
solution , network is automated and self-adapting , so no need of human intervention . Artificial neural network starts modeling basic functional structure and its interconnections .
Interconnection of neuron simulates the behavior of network of neuron by building artificial model .
science , Neural networks , RFID technology , as we humans use our
Reinforcement learning agents are adaptive , reactive , and self-
senses . Similarly , robots can sense , measure and manipulate
supervised . Reinforcement learning agents can take advantage of
different environment changes .
instructive training instances provided by human teachers ,
Sensor technology
While looking deeper into Sensors technology , Industry provides different types of sensors used according to the applicability and functionality of particular robots . Smart Robots needs advanced sensors as their companion . Smart robots utilize Advanced
Sensor technology effectively , and are powered by smart
resulting in a significant learning speedup . Teaching can also help learning agents avoid local optima during the search for optimal control . Reinforcement learning integrated with artificial neural networks to obtain high-quality generalization , resulting in a significant learning speedup .
software . The aid of advanced sensors makes them to adjust their
There are many advantages associated with smart robots that
motion automatically to a changing environment or product
make life easy . They are creating an unmatchable success in
variation .
different industries . In automation industry they are decreasing
Advanced sensors are embedded in the hardware too , for example in figures of smart robot for detecting sophisticated sense of touch , most robots uses fixed amount of strength to grasp the thing but smart robot senses the hardness of object from their figure tips and thus exert less pressure for holding the
the production cost and maintenance cost . As reported recently ,
Chinese factory has replaced its 90 percent employee with robot workforce and result is outstanding . It resulted in 250 percent increase in productivity and a significant 80 percent drop in defects .
object and more pressure to open its lid . Due to its accurate
In medical science they assist surgeons and able to do more
sensing technology they exert less force while grasping light
complex surgery with precision . Surgical robots can take
materials like paper . While running , for a moment both feet leave
independent decisions and perform number of operations with
the ground and balancing in midair is not easy task , so in order to
highest accuracy where humans can ’ t reach . They are a part of
maintain posture while jumping and floating in air , sensors
human body for disables with real world sensing . Smart robots
measure angles in order to compensate forward backward and
are more productive as they can work 24x7 with almost negligible
side to side in order to balance posture .
error . Once they will be completely in our day to day world they
Sensors are application specific : As internal sensor used for basic working like velocity , position etc ., external sensor are used for interaction with environment like force , vision etc . Namely , a
will replace humans from many jobs that are dangerous to human lives . Smart Robot can detect human counterparts , so they do not harm humans as we are not obstacle to them anymore .
Smart robot uses Vision sensor , Force sensor , Proximity sensor ,
Tilt sensor , MEMS Sensors and many more as technology is unpredictable .
Smart robots used in personal services consist of domestic application , entertainment , and others , such as elderly assistance
If we look into future market of sensors for smart robot , Vision
and home security . Smart robotics is so amazing and surprising
Perception Sensors , alone will be a market of $ 5.7 Billion by 2027 ,
that it is becoming a concern for humans .
Force sensing will reach over $ 6.9 Billion while the multiple sensors in domestic robots will account for $ 3.6 Billion , representing almost 30 % of their value .
Manufacturing Plants are the first places we see robots and automation , eliminating human jobs , but it ’ s hard to think of an industry that will be left unaffected as robots and AI become
Brain of Smart Robot
Examining the brain of smart robots , Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) and
Cognitive Science ( CS ) goes hand-in-hand . Alph Go ’ s victory has
more affordable and widespread . It ’ s estimated that between 35 and 50 percent of jobs that exist today are at risk of being lost to automation .
shocked the AI community . It showed that machines can also
Extend Life spans : Combining AI with advance robotics , medicine
acquire learning ability . Smart robot combines AI and CS , which
and gene-technology means that people could stop dying or at
enable it to learn through set of pre-programmed data which
least live a lot longer . That sounds great at first , but more people
further helps it to adapt itself in changing circumstances , using
living well past 100 years would have massive implications for the
predictive analytics to alter its response over time . Smart robot
economy and society at large .
has ability to learn from their mistakes and has long term
Digital Feudalism : As technology advances , we run the risk of
knowledge acquisition . Smart Robot uses Deep Learning , deep
entering a world of digital feudalism , in which a few technology
algorithms , as a way for robots to identify and avoid obstacles as
elites control our lives and our fate by controlling our data and
they move through the world .
our world . We are headed towards a future when it may be nearly
Artificial Intelligence , searches for optimal solution of structured
impossible for the average person to “ opt-out because they
and deterministic problem , and it is not enough to develop a
control our data .
machine which is merely comparable to human ’ s cognitive
Using Data against us : As more and more of our data is now
ELE Times | 18 | March , 2017