ELE Times March 2017 ELE Times | Page 12

ISRO Etch Record with Launch of 104 Satellites in a Single Go

US adds India as ' Major Defence Partner ', Eases Export Laws

Acknowledging India as a ‘ Major Defence
changes said . “ I ’ m pleased to
Partner ’, the US has made necessary
see India ’ s status as a ‘ Major
changes in its export control laws that
Defence Partner ’ – a
would benefit India by facilitating
designation that we have
smoother transfer of technologies and
strongly supported – be
arms to it . The new rule makes necessary
translated into tangible
under this new rule . Most of these
changes in the export control laws ,
regulatory reform ,” said Mukesh Aghi ,
licenses being focused on aerospace
“ creates a presumption of approval ” for
president of US India Business Council
systems and ground vehicles . Additionally ,
Indian companies seeking to import
( USIBC ). The new rule also amends the
under the new regulation , Indian
Commerce Department-controlled
law so that companies will not need a
companies will not be required by US law
military items , except Weapons of Mass
license at all after becoming a Validated
to seek approval for the re-export of
Destruction-related goods .
End User ( VEU ).
platforms that contain less than 25 per
This means that only under the rarest
Over 810 licenses representing some USD
cent US content .
circumstances will India be denied
5 billion in trade in the last half decade
licenses , a source familiar with the
have been granted for goods covered

ISRO Etch Record with Launch of 104 Satellites in a Single Go

mission .
indigenously built earth observation
In PSLV ’ s 39th flight , the vehicle carried
satellite , followed by two other
104 satellites lifting it off from the first
nanosatellites of ISRO — - INS-1A and INSlaunch
pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre
1B .
in Sriharikota at 09:28 hrs .
“ My hearty congratulations to the team .
With a time-frame of about 11 minutes ,
The Prime Minister has conveyed his
the rocket started placing the satellites
congratulations ,” ISRO chairman A S Kiran
into orbit , one by one , after seventeen
Kumar said .
minutes of its launch .
Director , ISRO Satellite Centre Mayilsamy
Out of the total 104 satellites placed in
Annadurai said , “ We can also hit centuries
orbit , 101 satellites belonged to six foreign
like our cricketers . In another two months ,
India has etched a new record amongst
countries . They included 96 from the US
the number of satellites built by ISRO will
the global space explorers on February 15 ,
and one each from Israel , the UAE , the
reach 100 . Besides GSLV missions , we
2017 , with the successful launch of a
Netherlands , Switzerland and Kazakhstan .
have get Chandrayan – 2 ready for launch
record 104 satellites by ISRO ’ s Polar
The first satellite to be infused by the PSLV
next year .”
Satellite Launch Vehicle ( PSLV ) in a single
was the Cartosat- 2 series , India ’ s

Lack of Vigorous Electronic Manufacturing Resisting Make in India

Indian tech players voiced their
“ We would expect more proactive
dissatisfaction on the absence of a
measures from the government on ease of
vigorous electronics manufacturing
doing business as the cost of compliance
ecosystem in the country for an effective
in India is higher as compared to other
implementation of the Make in India and
countries , because of which large scale
Digital India vision . This has surfaced
manufacturing is not yet shifting to India ,”
despite the Budget 2017-18 coming up
Agarwal added .
with the government ’ s commitment
While welcoming the government ’ s move
towards making India a digital economy .
to reduce corporate tax for small
“ We are disappointed with the lack of
companies to 25 per cent with annual
provisions for creating a robust domestic
turnover upto Rs 50 crore , Samson Khaou ,
electronics manufacturing ecosystem in
Managing Director , Dassault Systemes
India beyond smartphones ,” said Debjani
India , said that 96 per cent of the Micro
Ghosh , Managing Director , Intel South
Small and Medium Enterprises ( MSME )
Asia .
will benefit from this move .
Rahul Agarwal , CEO , Lenovo India , said ,
“ This move will prove to be a welcome
relief for the cash-strapped MSME sector . About 96 per cent of the MSME ’ s will benefit from this move and it sets government ’ s objective clear of making India competitive globally ,” Khaou said , adding that the move will boost exports and manufacturing at large .
ELE Times | 12 | March, 2017