Elders' Advice 1 | Page 14

Piqpaksrił.iq III.iI.gaanik We will not have happy, healthy lives and villages unless our children are loved, nurtured, and properly taught. Our children are our future and our responsibility. y y Elders will teach, guide, and advise children with love and respect as well as by example. y y Be patient with youth using drugs or alcohol. Wait until they are no longer under the influence before advising them. y y Problems can start at home. Be a good parent first. y y It may help you to gain the respect of youth by admitting your own mistakes and asking for forgiveness when advising them. y y Take time to listen to your children’s problems. y y Use storytelling and stories about personnel experience to teach your children. y y Praise your children and young people and show respect for their good efforts. y y Teach your children the importance of honesty. y y Get straight to the point when talking to your children. y y Get involved in the activities your children are participating in. Teach children that no matter what the problem is there is a solution in the Bible. y y Teach children to deal with their sexuality and their roles and responsibility as parents. 9 IÑUPIAT ILITQUSIAT IÑUPIAT ILITQUSIAT 10