Elders' Advice 1 | Page 12

Savaqatigiiyułiq Our villages survived together by cooperating with each other in the old days. We now have courts and police, agencies and social services to help us and we still need cooperation to lead healthy and happy lives in our villages. y y Each community village should hold a community meeting with all organizations, at least quarterly, so everyone will know what is going on and cooperate on certain projects. y y Work together with your spouse, agree on family rules and support each other. y y Teach children through hands-on experience. Take them out to harvest seasonal foods and teach them to help others. y y Teach children how to cooperate with others in sharing of food. y y Give guidance to teachers so they may support and teach our value of cooperation. y y Advise our leaders the Iñupiaq ways of leadership by cooperating and serving others. y y Elders will promote and encourage potlucks and other gatherings to maintain cooperation. 7 IÑUPIAT ILITQUSIAT IÑUPIAT ILITQUSIAT 8