Elders' Advice 1 | Page 10

Kamakkutiłiq Without respect for others, crime, violence, thievery and other bad things occur. y y Treat others the way you want to be treated. y y Advise and teach the Iñupiat to respect people and property. Teach respect for other people’s property. Elders were taught never to touch the snare lines or traps that belonged to someone else. If you use a camp during winter, make sure supplies are returned or replenished. Iñupiaq show respect by not stealing or borrowing without permission. y y When we help all people, we show respect. y y Teach children and community the importance of honesty. y y Make youth understand consequences of not listening to Elders. y y Teach respect for school teachers and others who teach our children. y y Do not make fun of people, especially those with disabilities. y y Elders should show and teach respect in their own families. y y Elders must promote and display high moral standards. Live by what you say or watch out what you say. Make sure you can prove what you say so that you won’t hurt anyone. y y Work with your village to address CB abuse. Ask IRA or City to adopt an ordinance ordinances that includes CB abuse and punishment. 5 IÑUPIAT ILITQUSIAT IÑUPIAT ILITQUSIAT 6