Lake Coatepeque
The volcano of Coatepeque (now Lake Coatepeque), older brother of the current volcano of Santa Ana, and father of the rest of volcanoes that make up this eruptive complex, underwent a fierce period of activity megatelurica which concluded with a large explosion that left the huge gap of more than 20 kilometers from radio and two of depth, which began a long process of capturing rainwater and groundwater to become Lake.
The Lake of Coatepeque, is located between the municipalities of Santa Ana, the Congo and Izalco and about 50 kilometers of San Salvador. It is a volcanic caldera, with an extension of 6,500 Ha. Of which 2,500 are the mirror of water (about 25 Km2) basin live more than 20,000 people, over an average of 5,000 monthly tourists visiting the Lake