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6 Tips for Building a Data Privacy Culture
Experts say it's not enough to just post data classification guidelines and revisit the topic once a year. Companies have to build in privacy
by design.
Cybersecurity: What Does the Board Want and Need?
Board members are under pre ssure from all sides to keep data and business operations safe from cyber-attack.
(Managing) risky business
Focus on risk management is a common element of cybersecurity today.
Risks to ICS Environments From Spectre and Meltdown ...
Many systems that support industrial controllers are likely vulnerable to Spectre and Meltdown chip vulnerabilities, which affect hardware
running in the majority of the world’s computing devices have made headlines recently.
British teenager hacked top ranking US officials using social engineering
How did British teenager Kane Gamble, who at the time was only 15 years old, manage to break into email accounts of the CIA and DNI
chiefs, as well as gain access to a number of sensitive databases and plans for intelligence operations in Afghanistan and Iran? The answer
is social engineering.