El Diario del CISO El Diario del CISO (The CISO Journal) Edición 6 | страница 5

Thou2 EL DIARIO DEL CISO (THE CISO JOURNAL) Thinking and Working for a Digital Security Leader Thoughts of LSD Mindset of a Digital Security Leader (#DSL/ #DigitalSecLeader) Andrés Ricardo Almanza Junco All this used to answer the questions in this post give us the following results: Why should a #DSL fail? (Reasons) Why should a #LSD fail? (Benefits) Without seeing the failure of what it does there is no improvement It must fail without it there will be no progress in its process. A to build in a world where the greatest certainty is uncertainty in reliable digital security posture advances to the extent that it gets itself. setbacks. To prove what was created. Without trying, they cannot challenge the status quo. Faults create resistance and resilience resistance. The purpose of creating a digital security posture is not to avoid the attack, but to keep going even suffering it. You need to learn, relearn and unlearn Failures create maturity and with it come growth. A fault shows everything that needs to be improved. Validate the built models and with it if it is suitable for the purpose. Faults redefine the acceptable term. With them, the view of what is adequate is broadened. Because the current conditions have to make this happen. Then it is Faults provide greater and better opportunities and possibilities. better to assume that a fault occurs. These show new ways to achieve the results. It shows us the points that must be adjusted. Failures lead to innovation of what is done in the present. A flaw is the perfect tool to make a solution better. It helps us to consider all the options. Faults bring unexpected benefits. Beyond the possible long-term results, a failure leads to successful events that strengthen and create better environments. With this proposed we leave a final reflection of question. We usually see our mistakes; rarely perceive our learning. Growing involves perceiving our learning from failure and accepting our mistakes as an exclusive way to evolve and as a consequence obtain the results we desire . Are you willing to fail as #LSD? How can you develop a plan to fail intentionally? References Forward Failing, John Maxwell. Grupo Nelson. 2011 Why is experiencing failure necessary to be successful?, (Spanish artickle), Jimena Azinovic septiembre 2015. Review at 19 de march of 2019