El Diario del CISO El Diario del CISO (The CISO Journal) Edición 34 | Page 3
Pensando y Trabajando por
un Líder de Seguridad Digital
Thoughts of a LSD
Challenges of a Digital Security Leader by 2019
Andrés Ricardo Almanza Junco
During this time, we come across the different media showing what the trends and movements in terms of protection
will be in the digital context; clearly all this series of forecasts portend greater challenges in the world of digital
protection and confidence both is required; New and emerging technologies, complexity and digital density, ever
deeper needs of organizations to have greater impacts on customers, products, services and thereby a better and
wider choice to its customers in a digital reality as the current Therefore, they present profound challenges. This
causes security professionals to be confronted with greater and more challenging moments in the performance of their
function. That is why the challenges of being a Digital Security Leader for the coming years beginning with the year
2019 arise.
1. Resilience: A capacity that each time the digital security professional must develop that arises from the pressures
of playing the role. Therefore we will see in the coming years Digital Security Leaders being people with a high
capacity of resilience that will imprint on doing
2. Change agents, processing agents: Another essential capacity, be a change agent whenever understood to change
as a constant and adheres to it to develop do; additional sees the transformation as an ally to build enabling
environments to learn, unlearn and relearn reliable digital habits.
3. Balance of capabilities: One of the things we will see during the next few years is focused on seeing digital security
professionals looking for balances of their capabilities, not only an effort for the development of technical
capabilities but also the human and executive ones for the performance of the function.
4. Greater connection capabilities: Communicate, communicate and communicate will be one of the greatest
challenges for security professionals who will be led to improve their relations with all levels of the organization,
especially with their peers and the managers of the organizations; therefore the development of this capacity will
be one of the tasks that will be most worked in the next and next years.
5. Interdisciplinary: Digital security professionals today know that they require a transversality that is subject to the
dynamic itself that the digital context itself makes on organizations. In this sense we will see Digital Security
Leaders preparing themselves not only in their domain but also in other domains of knowledge.
6. More diversity: Increased presence with great importance and relevance of women in the world of digital security
and protection being this very interesting and significant for diversity and opportunity for growth.
7. Greater growth: The digital security professional begins to understand that technical knowledge is not enough but
must grow in other dimensions such as human, and executive; so things start to develop new activities to develop
these aspects and grow in a more holistic way.
8. More leadership: This is one of the capacities that is most required to be developed, to be a Digital Security Leader
that can influence, and influence the transformations and changes of mentality that organizations are requiring and
In this way and for the reader's reflection, the following questions are left.
What do you think could be your biggest challenge as a digital security professional next year?
What are you doing to face it?
What do you think you can zoom out to meet this challenge?
What habits or learning can you unlearn to face this challenge?
What learning or habits can you relearn?
Who can help you, accompany you in this process?
How will it be faced the challenge?
What would be a different way of assessing that you have overcome your challenge?
If you want to share your opinions, we invite you to write us our channels are at your service. Let's talk, let's build,
let's grow. We will wait for you.
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