El Diario del CISO El Diario del CISO (The CISO Journal) Edición 30 | Page 7
35 million voter records from 19 states found for sale on Dark Web
Android Apps claim to mine unminable cryptocurrency, just show ads
Anthem to pay record $16M for 2015 data breach
BEC attack scams Texas school district out of $600,000
Clandestine 'GreyEnergy' APT group spawned from BlackEnergy, NotPetya
Cybersecurity job gap grows to 3 million, report
DonaldDaters.com exposes details on Trump singles
Enigmatic cyber espionage campaign revives source code from old foe APT1
Expanding attack surfaces and difficulties obtaining the right people worry
NCSA panelists
Facebook says fewer users affected by data breach
Facepunch 2016 breach exposed 343,000 users
In CyberSecurity, the A.I. Debate Is “How”, not “If”
It’s Ok, I’m verified; libssh flaw allows attacker bypass server authentication
LuminosityLink RAT author sentenced to 30 years in prison
New York CISO: State committed to helping its local municipalities bolster
cyber defenses
North Carolina water utility ONWASA taken down by ransomware
Octopus malware wraps tentacles around former Telegram users in Central
Pentagon data breach exposed 30,000 travel records
Philippines orders Facebook to offer ID protections following breach
Report: Spammers, not nation-state actors, suspected in Facebook breach
Six tips to stop phishing attacks
States of Security news, articles & updates
Survey: Federal agencies slow to migrate to cloud, despite promise of security
Tumblr bug bounty program detects flaw, no user info lost
Twitter releases 10M tweets, reveals decade of foreign influence, including
Russia's efforts during 2016 election
Twitter suspends bot network pushing pro-Saudi messages
Justice unseals criminal complaint against Russian lawyer for 2018 midterms
VestaCP supply-chain attack installs DDoS malware
2018 US voter records offered for sale on hacking forum
9 in 10 organizations have a cybersecurity culture gap
Anthem will pay $16 million to settle HIPAA violation due to 2015 breach
Clarity and focus on security required for successful digital transformation
Cryptomining attacks against Apple devices increase sharply
Exploring the current state of employee knowledge in cybersecurity and
data privacy
Few organizations use cyber wargaming to practice response plan
Global IT spending to reach $3.8 trillion in 2019
How corporate boards are navigating cybersecurity risks and data privacy
IT and security professionals unprepared for Windows 7 end of life
Most executives around the world see untrained staff as the greatest cyber
Protecting applications from malicious scripts
Researchers expose security vulnerabilities in terahertz data links
Scaling the IoT product security lifecycle with automation
Solving the cloud infrastructure misconfiguration problem
Stringent password rules lower risk of personal data breaches
Targeted attacks on crypto exchanges resulted in a loss of $882 million
The future of OT security in modern industrial operations
The global cybersecurity workforce gap is widening
Top strategic predictions for IT organizations and users in 2019 and beyond