El Diario del CISO El Diario del CISO (The CISO Journal) Edición 24 | Page 13

T-Mobile hack exposes personal info on 2.3 million customers
Planning for the Shifting Threat Landscape
Meet ' Intrusion Truth ,' the Mysterious Group Doxing Chinese Intel Hackers
Cop & Robber : The two faces of AI in Cybersecurity
Spyware Company Leaves ‘ Terabytes ’ of Selfies , Text Messages , and Location
Data Exposed Online
Technology in Government - Women and diversity in cyber
Paying It Forward – Investing in Cybersecurity ’ s Future with Summer Camp
How Human-Machine Teaming Helps Security Operations Deal With Greater
Volume of Threats and Data
Securing the Cloud : Assessing the Security of TLS
It ’ s Time to Look Differently at Device Security
Botnet Necurs Turns Its Focus On Banks
CS @ 40 : recognizing the accomplishments of security leaders
Ryuk Ransomware Targets Large Businesses With Large Ransoms
Security Director of the Year winners share lessons learned
Simple News
' Unhackable ' Apple Embarrassed by Teen Who Dumped Secure Data in Folder Named ' Hacky Hack Hack '
www . westernjournal . com
# MachineLearning Can Help Ensure # Cybersecurity
thetelecomtimes . com
10 Tips for Managing Industrial Cybersecurity
lerablog . org
A distilled threat with a Mexican flavor
securelist . com
A Peerlyst Weekly Roundup ( August 18th - August 24th 2018 )
www . peerlyst . com
A U . S . GDPR ? Not Even Close
www . justsecurity . org
Augusta University Health data breach : Private data of over 417,000 individuals exposed
www . hackread . com
Bob Gourley on the Software Defined Perimeter
bricata . com
Breaking News : Supply Chain Attack Operation Red Signature Targets South Korean Organizations
www . cyberdefensemagazine . com
Can Supercomputers Improve Cybersecurity ? Not for a While
www . datacenterknowledge . com
Carmakers Struggle to Hire White Hat Hackers
www . ttnews . com
Chinese company exposes data of 50.5 million users , mostly children
hotforsecurity . bitdefender . com
Consortium Creates a Community for Minorities , Women in Cybersecurity
diverseeducation . com
Corea del Norte : sus hackers van a por los ‘ exchanges ’ de criptomonedas
hipertextual . com
Cyber News Rundown : Dark Tequila Malware
www . webroot . com
Cyber Security Conference And Events
hackersonlineclub . com
Cyber security staff shortage leading to services spend
www . channelnomics . com
Cybersecurity law in Vietnam and data privacy issue
www . antlawyers . vn
Cybersecurity tips to avoid linking to fake websites
www . mercurynews . com
Data Architecture Considerations Involving Cybersecurity and Data Analytics
public-sector . cioreview . com