Ekklesia Rising Magazine | Page 10


A Word for the Millennials

Trying to Bloom Out of Season

One Sunday as I was coming home from church I witnessed the most amazing sight. We were in the “autumn” season and the foliage was particularly bright and beautiful that day. Leaves were falling from the trees and in some places making very large piles; bringing joy to children, but frustration to those who had the challenge of raking them up and disposing of them.

I am always in awe of the jaw-dropping displays the Lord tends to put on for us in every season. But what astonished me most were several trees that were supposed to bloom only in the spring season. They were showing large fresh blossoms and big beautiful blooms that were open.

I suppose the warm weather we were experiencing at that time was causing the trees to begin to bloom. But even though these trees are beautiful and producing a lot of magnificent flowers, it still wasn’t their season to bloom! We were entering into a time where a cold snap or frost would cause the buds to shrivel up, die and possibly damage the trees internally. The trees looked as though they had been planted recently; within the last year or so. Thus, they were still immature in their growth because they were not really rooted and grounded yet.

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1, NKJV

We, like those trees, hold certain gifts and talents that were given to us before the foundation of the earth and we must use them and display them only in the season God specifies. Just because there are things we can do with our gifts (give a word, sing a song, etc.) doesn’t necessarily mean we can use them whenever we feel the time is right!

These gifts are from God, and they are not meant to be used until a certain time. If we choose to operate in them when we feel like it, the gifts and talents will not have the anointing of God. We are actually operating out of our own mind, body, and soul; our own flesh. Basically, we will be operating out of season.

God is not going to revoke any gift He has given us.

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable

Romans 11:29, NKJV

But, when we act on our own, whatever we

are doing may flourish for a while, but, if

the gifts and talents are not used in the

season and the way God meant for them to

be used, they will wither, fall to the ground

and die.

Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God,

2 Corinthians 1:21,


It is the anointing of God that allows our

gifts to operate in His “ due season." So,

when we operate out of season, are we being

like those young trees; showing our

immaturity in the Lord. Have we really

tapped into the Root and gotten grounded?

A rose is beautiful and comes in many colors

and many varieties, but if it begins to bloom

in December in an atmosphere that cannot

nurture it, the flower will have a very

fleeting lifespan.

When we operate outside the parameters