EITI Primer (2).pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 8

the eiti standard: how does eiti work? • We believe in the principle and practice of accountability by government to all citizens for the stewardship of revenue streams and public expenditure. • We are committed to encouraging high standards of transparency and accountability in public life, government operations and in business, • We believe that a broadly consistent and workable approach to the disclosure of payments and revenues is required, which is simple to undertake and to use. • We believe that payments’ disclosure in a given country should involve all extractive industry companies operating in that country. In seeking solutions, we believe that all stakeholders have important and relevant contributions to make – including governments and their agencies, extractive industry companies, service companies, multilateral organizations, financial organizations, investors, and nongovernmental organizations. II. Requirements a. For Candidature A country intending to implement the EITI is required to undertake a number of steps before applying to become an EITI Candidate: 1. The government is required to issue an unequivocal public statement of its intention to implement the EITI. 2. The government is required to appoint a senior individual to lead on the implementation of the EITI. 3. The government is required to commit to work with civil society and companies, and establish a multi-stakeholder group to oversee the implementation of the EITI. EITI Primer.indd 8 8/14/13 4:31 PM