what is the
objective of eiti?
EITI’S objective is to encourage countries to be more transparent in reporting the benefits
they receive from their country’s natural resources. By publishing material information on
payments and revenues, EITI aims to address what is called the resource curse phenomenon
that is prevalent in resource rich but poor economies.
EITI aims to promote a consistent and workable approach to disclosure through the publication of a comprehensive and comprehensible country report that aims to shed light on the
following questions: How much is the government really getting from the extractive industries? How much is the industry actually paying to the government? How much do citizens
benefit from the extraction of natural resources?
Who are the persons involved in eiti?
Globally, the EITI international board oversees the Initiative. The Board, led by a Chairman,
is composed of 20 members, representing implementing countries, supporting countries,
civil society organizations, industry and investment companies.
The EITI board is supported by an international secretariat which operates under Norwegian law.
The international community provides support to EITI implementation both bilaterally and
through the EITI Multi-Donor Trust Fund managed by the World Bank.
Each EITI implementing country has a multi-stakeholder group that sets the policies and
directions for EITI implementation in the country.
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