what information should be
included in the eiti report?
The following information should be included in the EITI report:
I. Contextual and explanatory information:
a. Legal framework and fiscal regimes including responsibilities of collecting
b. Overview of extractive industries
c. Extractive industries’ contribution to national economy--
i. size of extractive industries in absolute terms and as a percentage of GDP,
including estimate of informal sector activity
ii. total government revenues from extractive industries (taxes, royalties,
bonuses, fees, other payments) in absolute terms and as percentage of
total government revenues
iii. Exports from the extractive industries in absolute terms and as a percent
age of total exports
iv. Employment in the extractive industries in absolute terms and as a per
centage of total employment
v. Key regions where production is concentrated
d. Disclosure of production figures
i.Total production volume and value of production by commodity by state/
ii.Total export volumes, value of exports by commodity by state/region
e. Ownership of license holders
i. License registers and license allocations
ii. License, lease, title, permit, concession conferred by the government to a
company in order for the latter to have the rights to explore
iii. Publicly available register with the following information: license holder,
coordinates of the license area, date of application, date of award, duration
of license, commodity being procured. This register should be linked and
referenced in the EITI report
iv. Information on license transfer and systems
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