Eidelman & Associates Division of Marital Debt During a Divorce Work? | Page 4
Mediation Might Help the Couple
Since everything is split equally usually, this can be a great way to divide assets and
find out how things are being paid for and divided before anything gets bad. This can
be something to think about when the time comes to put cash in an account and use it
to pay debt, so both parties do not have to worry about assuming half of it because the
money is there to pay it off. There are many ways to go about this and a mediator is
able to help the parties decide which way is the best way.
This might even resolve all of the issues, have all of the papers signed that need to be
and ensure that everyone is able to walk away with the assets that they want and need
from the divorce, regardless of what they are. Everyone is happier with mediation.
Speak with a professional today to find out how they are able to provide the help that
is needed during a divorce. You should feel like you have someone to turn too and
with their help, you do not have to worry about not being able to get the assets you
are rightfully entitled too. Allow our professional lawyers to take control and walk
you through the process.