EIB Summer 2011
Dream Company Introduction
written by Raina
Dream Company? WHAT’S THAT?
When EIB class is started, the most common word we heard is ‘Dream Company’, but we
don’t have any idea of that. We just busy to get used to EIB class that is full of strange things we
never had before. Now, after Dream Company Project, I want to introduce what is the Dream
Company Project for everyone with a sense of accomplishment that we cannot explain by using
one word.
Look at what we are doing now!
Dream Company Project started with small ideas for products that don’t exist in the world.
Everybody put up a new idea, and chose three ideas for the project. As soon as we divided into
three groups, we faced problems immediately. Where the company is located, how the company
is operated, which marketing is most effective, and more detail information of the product we
suggested. How can we translate these ideas into reality!
If you think about those questions, you can know that questions are for understanding how
the company works. To answer that, we had to discuss a lot with our business partners,
classmate. We had many meetings to make company for real, and we decided who will take what
position of company. In addition, we interviewed people who we chose our target market. By
following these steps, at the same time, we made a report including all information about each
company. After all this assignments, we showed what we did in front of audiences. We were
doing a real business. At this moment, whether the works is going well or not was not important.
The most important thing was that we finished it together.
That is exactly what we expected!
While we prepared the presentation, not only each group member did what they parted, but
we had to learn how work together as a group. Also we can understand how the business works,
and what information need when somebody want to start the business. It was hard session at the
first time, but we can see us getting better and better. As much as we feel difficult, we got more
accomplishment. Through using English, preparing and doing presentation is special experience;
furthermore, all classmates were to be friends as sharing the same experience. In the short word,
this entire thing was what we expected for EIB.