I have thoroughly enjoyed working with each of you, and can hardly believe the summer is
almost at its end. From the stock market project, to your business report, to your culture
discussions, you have continually impressed me with your work ethic, passion for learning, and
business acumen. In particular, you navigated through one of the most tumultuous periods in
the history of the stock market as you analyzed the erratic financial performance of each of
your companies. Not only did you demonstrate your understanding of the market, but you
also showed an amazing ability to interpret its trends. Plus, some of you made a killing!
I wish you all only success and happiness in both your academic and professional careers.
Remember, you will always have a resource in me as you pursue your future endeavors, so be
sure to “LinkedIn” me!
Eamon “John” McGowan
EIB 1 and 2 Reading and Culture Instructor