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52 AN INCREASING NUMBER OF CLIENTS ENJOY SCUBA DIVING AS PART OF THEIR HOLIDAY. THE QUESTION IS, HOW DOES THE MEDITERRANEAN RATE IN THE SCUBA LEAGUE? Mediterranean scuba diving can be fascinating – if you know where to dive. Alexis Vincent is the founder of Dive Butler, one of the foremost diving experts in the world. “The Mediterranean has some of the most protected dive sites in the world so the reefs and wrecks are in better condition than almost anywhere else. Many easily accessible sites relate to pre-Roman times and they are near to the top spots in the Balearics, Cote d’Azur, Italy and the Greek Islands.” Dive Butler are used to working with clients with different levels of experience, from novices, excited about their first mission, through to totally confident divers who want slick service rather than guidance. They have marine biologists, photographers and even submarine pilots who will help you make the most of every opportunity. Alexis adds “we work alongside Edmiston planning dives, liaising with captains and getting to know clients for whom confidence and safety are paramount. Depending on your expectations, you cannot compare the Mediterranean with the Maldives or the Cocos Islands off Costa Rica. For a balance of archaeology, fish and accessibility, the Mediterranean is the clear winner.” We dive deep to get the facts SCUBA, SALES AND SAILS – FACTS NOT THOUGHTS