EHS Student Program of Studies 2022-23(clone) | Page 95

Students who have been evaluated and determined to be eligible for special education services , as defined by state and federal statutes , may receive services through the Special Education Department . Within this department academic , social / emotional , and vocational needs are met on an individual basis as determined by the Planning and Placement Team . Members of this team meet at least annually to develop Individual Educational Plans for identified students . Individual Transition Plans are developed for these students following their fifteenth birthday . A continuum of services including specialized instruction in co-teaching models within the general education classes , targeted academic support courses , and programs for students who require smaller-group instruction , are available to ensure that students requiring Special Education services are educated in the least restrictive environment . These services are provided while supporting the Mission Statement and Student Learning Outcomes at the high school . In an effort to continuously improve the Enfield Public Schools we would appreciate your candid feedback .