EHS Student Program of Studies 2022-23 | Page 91

( 5076 ) CCP
CONNECTICUT / ENFIELD HISTORY Grade 9-12 . 5 Credit ( 5465 ) CCP HONORS GENOCIDE Grade 12 . 5 Credit ( 5467 ) H
LAW , CRIME AND SOCIETY Grade 9-12 . 5 Credit ( 5469 ) CCP agency in our nation . Further , this course will examine the ways in which literature and social movements have contributed to , been influenced by , and transformed America , and continue to do so . Student who successfully complete this course will receive one- half social studies elective credit and one-half English credit .
Prerequisite ( s ): None The course is an opportunity for students to explore accomplishments , struggles , intersections , perspectives , and collaborations of African American / Black and Puerto Rican / Latino people in the U . S . Students will examine how historical movements , legislation , and wars affected the citizenship rights of these groups , and how they , both separately and together , worked to build U . S . cultural and economic wealth and create more just societies in local , national , and international contexts . Coursework will provide students with tools to identify historic and contemporary tensions around race and difference ; map economic and racial disparities over time ; strengthen their own identity development ; and address bias in the communities .
Prerequisite ( s ): None This course examines various topics of Connecticut history including the influence of the Connecticut River , politics , government , the Puritan religion , housing , employment , transportation , and state and local personalities . State and local current events are integrated into the course .
Prerequisite ( s ): Recommendation of a United States History teacher Emphasis in this course is on Hitler ’ s rise to power in Nazi Germany . Students study the development , use , and conditions of the concentration camps where millions of civilians were sent to die . Students gain an understanding of the people and events of the Holocaust and other acts of genocide . These genocides include Armenia , Bosnia , Cambodia , Rwanda , and Darfur . There is an emphasis on the study of racism , intolerance and stereotyping .
Prerequisite ( s ): None This course examines the American legal system . Topics include history of United States law , courts , property law , criminal law , contracts , family and juvenile law , and civil liberties . Students gain insights into rights and responsibilities according to our American legal system . Lawyers and law enforcement officials are invited to speak . Major emphasis is placed on understanding student and citizen rights .