EHS STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25 | Page 61

A ) Directory Information - The Enfield Board of Education shall give annual notice during the first week of each school year , and individually as students enroll during the remainder of each school year , that the items listed below are considered “ directory information ”. Such items will be released by the school at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools , without further comment , unless the parent informs the principal of the student ’ s school , in writing , within two weeks of notification , any or all items he / she does not wish to be released , without prior written consent .
The Enfield Public Schools define the following as “ directory information ”: Student ’ s name and address
Dates of attendance
Grade level
Honors or awards received Participation in activities or sports Schools attended ( in Enfield ) Home Telephone Number
Representatives of the armed forces must have the same opportunity for access to this data as nonmilitary recruiters , higher education representatives , and commercial concerns B . Parent Rights – parents and eligible students ( those 18 years or older ) have the right to : 1 . Inspect and review the student ’ s education records . 2 . Request the amendment of the student ’ s education records to ensure that the records are not inaccurate , misleading , or otherwise in violation of a student ’ s privacy rights or other rights .
3 . Consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student ’ s education record , except to the extent that the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act regulation authorize disclosure without consent
4 . File with the U . S . Department of Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by the Enfield Public Schools to comply with the federal regulations
5 . Obtain a copy of the Enfield Public Schools policies for student education records . Copies of these policies are located in the office of the Superintendent of Schools and in the Principal ’ s office of each school of the district .
C . Record Retention Policy – For the purpose of complying with Sec . 10-15b of the Conn . General Statues , student data is classified as Category A , B , or C and has different time-lines for the destruction of records . CATEGORY A – records are kept for 50 years and include : Name , address , date of birth Attendance dates Name of parents , address , phone number Academic work and level of achievement
CATEGORY B – information is data needed to formulate educational programs for students , but not absolutely necessary over an indefinite period of time . Included in this category may be : Standardized test scores Speech and hearing evaluations Individual diagnostic reading tests
CATEGORY C – includes verified information necessary for the formulation of prescriptive plans designed to meet the unique needs of selected students . These would include : Health Records Psychological reports School Social Work summaries Reports of serious recurrent behavior patterns Planning & Placement Team findings Category B & C records shall be destroyed after the data are no longer relevant for the provision of educational services to the child ; and , in no event shall they be retained beyond six ( 6 ) years following their graduation or the graduation of the class to which he / she belonged .
Revised 8 / 23 / 2024