EHS STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25 | Page 58

board , cards ), online shopping , or watching non-educational videos . Students are expected to put cell phones away while in the library with their classes .
The EHS Library collection includes resources ( book & online ) supporting the curriculum . Photocopiers and printers are available to support student work and research projects .
Circulation Information Students use their ID Cards to check out materials and are responsible for any items checked out in their names .
• Books may be signed out for a three-week circulation period and may be renewed if needed .
• Reference books & magazines do not circulate .
• Overdue notices are sent to students via school email .
• Overdue library material must be returned or paid for before students can receive diplomas .
Admittance to the EHS Library from a Class Any student excused from class to visit the library MUST have a pass from the teacher of that class .
Procedures The EHS Library welcomes academic activity . Students are expected to be working on schoolwork and projects while in the library . Because of the potential for damage , food and drink are NOT ALLOWED in the library at any time .
iPad Help The EHS Library is one of the places in school where students can go to get help with their iPads . Students are required to have passes from their teacher if they are being sent out of class to the library to get iPad help .
Lost or Damaged Library Material Students will be assessed the replacement cost of any lost or damaged materials . Whether materials are damaged beyond repair will be determined by the Library Media Specialist .
SCHOOL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT Students are encouraged to seek the services of the school counselors . They are available for educational , vocational , or personal counseling , and for information . Each student is assigned a school counselor . However , any student may at his / her discretion make an appointment with any member of the counseling staff . Appointments may be made at any time with the receptionist in the guidance office . No appointments will be made during class time . Some areas in which students will find school counselors most helpful are :
peer relationships
college selection
adult relationships
testing and interpretation
school achievement
high school curriculum
course selection
vocational / occupational planning
Resource materials are available in the guidance office and career center including books , pamphlets , and catalogues for college and occupational planning . Software programs such as Naviance are used by counselors to assist students with performing college , career , and scholarship searches as well as with setting goals and completing career interest inventories . Seminars in career and college information are offered throughout the year by the counseling staff . Career Days , meetings with college admissions representatives , Financial Aid and FAFSA completion support sessions , and a Junior Planning Night event
Revised 8 / 23 / 2024