EHS STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25 | Page 42

Student Searches School authorities are authorized to conduct searches of students or their property when reasonable suspicion indicates that a particular student is in possession of an item or a substance that represents a material threat to school routine or is prohibited by Board policy , administrative regulations or by law . Student property shall include , but not be limited to , purses , pockets , bookbags and cars .
DESK AND LOCKER SEARCHES School lockers and desks are the property of Enfield Public Schools . At no time does the Enfield Public School District relinquish its exclusive control of lockers and desks . School authorities for any reason may conduct periodic general inspections of lockers and desks at any time , without notice , without the user ’ s consent , and without a search warrant . In addition , the board authorizes school and law enforcement officials to search specific student lockers , desks and other school property available for the use of students for the presence of weapons , contraband , and the fruits of a crime if ( 1 ) the search is justified at its inception and ( 2 ) the search as actually conducted is reasonably related in scope to the circumstances which justified the search in the first place . A search is justified at its inception when there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school . Reasonable grounds for such a search may include but are not limited to an alert by a dog trained to detect contraband or illegal substances . A search is reasonably related in scope when the measures adopted are reasonably related to the objectives of the search and not excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of the student and the nature of the infraction .
POLICE SCREENINGS / SEARCHES OF SCHOOL PROPERTY INCLUDING THE USE OF CANINE ( K9 ) TEAMS # 1411.1 In an effort to deter violations of school rules and illegal activity on school grounds , the school administration is empowered to call upon the Enfield Police Department to assist it in conducting screenings and / or searches of persons or personal possessions on school property . This may include screening of automobiles and other personal possessions on all school property such as but not limited to lockers , storage areas , and parking areas by the Enfield Police Department ’ s K9 Team . Personal items brought onto school grounds by students , employees , service contractors , and visitors are subject to said screenings which may result in establishing reasonable suspicion or probable cause to conduct a search . Screenings can be conducted without prior notification to students , employees , service contractors , and visitors . However , the school administration shall annually inform students , employees , and parents of the fact that screenings may occur without prior notice . Information obtained through such screenings , including an alert through the K9 team , may establish reasonable cause for a subsequent search . Such searches may be conducted by school officials with or without the assistance of the Enfield Police Department , and the scope of the search shall be reasonably related to the object of the search and shall not be excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of any students involved . Administrative regulations for this policy shall include guidelines for notification to the parent / guardian of any student who becomes the subject of a search as the result of a screening as authorized by this policy . A Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU ) between the Enfield Public School system and the Enfield Police Department shall serve as the working guideline for said screenings and searches . The Superintendent is authorized to enter into the MOU on behalf of the Board .
Cell Phone and Personal Device Expectations
III . Student Responsibilities
Revised 8 / 23 / 2024