EHS STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25 | Page 38

The Board of Education , in consultation with the State Department of Education ( SDE ) and the social and emotional learning and school climate advisory collaborative , shall provide on the SBE ’ s website training materials to school administrators regarding bullying prevention and intervention .
Bullying behavior by any student in the Enfield Public Schools is strictly prohibited , and such conduct may result in disciplinary action , including suspension and / or expulsion from school . “ Bullying ” means an act that is direct or indirect and severe , persistent or pervasive which :
A . causes physical or emotional harm to an individual , B . places an individual in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm , or , C . infringes on the rights and opportunities of an individual at school .
Bullying shall include , but need not be limited to , a written , verbal or electronic communication or physical act or gesture based on any actual or perceived differentiating characteristic , such as race , color , religion , ancestry , national origin , gender , sexual orientation , gender identity or expression , socioeconomic status , academic status , physical appearance , or physical , mental , developmental or sensory disability , or by association with an individual or group who has or is perceived to have one or more of such characteristics .
Teen dating violence means any act of physical , emotional or sexual abuse , including stalking , harassing and threatening that occurs between two students who are currently in or have recently been in a dating relationship .
Students who engage in any act of bullying or teen dating violence , on school grounds , at a schoolsponsored or school-related activity , function or program whether on or off school grounds , at a school bus stop , on a school bus or other vehicle owned , leased or used by the Board of Education , or through the use of an electronic device or an electronic mobile device owned , leased or used by the Board of Education , and outside of the school setting if such bullying : A . Creates a hostile environment at school for the victim ,
B . Infringes on the rights of the victim at school , or
C . Substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school .
Students and / or parents may file verbal or written complaints concerning suspected bullying or teen dating violence behavior , and students shall be permitted to anonymously report acts of bullying or teen dating violence to school employees . Any report of suspected bullying or teen dating violence behavior will be promptly reviewed . If acts of bullying or teen dating violence are verified , prompt disciplinary action may be taken against the perpetrator , consistent with his / her rights of due process . Board policy and regulation # 5131.911 set forth this prohibition and the related procedures in detail , and are available to students and their parents / guardians upon request .
Revised 8 / 23 / 2024