EHS STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25 | Page 34

and damage of bullying and teen dating violence . It is necessary for students to promote the concept that caring for others is a valued quality , one that is accepted and encouraged .
Prevention and Intervention Strategy
The District shall implement , as required by C . G . S . 10-222g , as amended , a prevention and intervention strategy which may include , but is not limited to :
1 . Implementation of a positive behavioral interventions and supports process or another evidence-based model approach for safe school climate or for the prevention of bullying and teen dating violence identified by the Department of Education .
2 . School rules prohibiting bullying , teen dating violence , harassment , and intimidation and establishing appropriate consequences for those who engage in such acts .
3 . Adequate adult supervision of outdoor areas , hallways , the lunchroom , and other specific areas where bullying or teen dating violence is likely to occur .
4 . Inclusion of grade-appropriate bullying and teen dating violence education and prevention curricula in kindergarten through high school .
5 . Individual interventions with the bully or student who commits teen dating violence , parents and school employees and interventions with the students against whom the acts of bullying and teen dating violence are directed , parents , and school employees .
6 . School wide training related to safe school climate . 7 . Student peer training , education and support .
8 . Promotion of parent involvement in bullying and teen dating violence prevention through individual or team participation in meetings , trainings , and individual interventions .
9 . Culturally competent school-based curriculum focusing on social-emotional learning , selfawareness and self-regulation .
Note : Funding for the school-based bullying intervention and school climate improvement may originate from public , private , or philanthropic sources . For purposes of this section , “ interventions with the bullied child ” includes referrals to a school counselor , psychologist or other appropriate social or mental health service , and periodic follow-up by the safe school climate specialist with the bullied child .
District Safe School Climate Coordinator
Annually , the Superintendent of Schools shall appoint , from among existing District staff , a District Safe School Climate Coordinator .
Revised 8 / 23 / 2024