EHS STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25 | Page 31

“ Emotional intelligence ” means the ability to ( A ) perceive , recognize and understand emotions in oneself or others , ( B ) use emotions to facilitate cognitive activities , including , but not limited to , reasoning , problem solving and interpersonal communication , ( C ) understand and identify emotions , and ( D ) manage emotions in oneself and others .
“ Social and emotional learning ” means the process through which children and adults achieve emotional intelligence through the competencies of self-awareness , self-management , social awareness , relationship skills and responsible decision-making .
Examples of Bullying include , but are not limited to :
1 . physical violence and attacks 2 . verbal taunts , name-calling and put-downs including ethnically based or gender-based verbal put-downs 3 . threats and intimidation 4 . extortion or stealing of money and / or possessions 5 . exclusion from peer groups within the school 6 . The misuse of electronic communications for the purpose of bullying , harassing , or sexually harassing other students within school or out of school (“ cyberbullying ”)
7 . Targeting of a student based on the student ’ s actual or perceived “ differentiating ” characteristics such as race ; color ; religion ; ancestry ; national origin ; gender ; sexual orientation ; gender identity or expression ; socioeconomic or academic status ; physical appearance ; or mental , physical , developmental , or sensory disability .
Such conduct is disruptive of the educational process and , therefore , bullying is not acceptable behavior in this district and is prohibited .
Students who engage in any act of bullying , on school grounds , at a school-sponsored or schoolrelated activity , function or program whether on or off school grounds , at a school bus stop , on a school bus or other vehicle owned , leased or used by the Board of Education , or through the use of an electronic device or an electronic mobile device owned , leased or used by the Board of Education , and outside of the school setting if such bullying :
1 . creates a hostile environment at school for the victim , 2 . infringes on the rights of the victim at school , or 3 . substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school , are subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including suspension , expulsion and / or referral to law enforcement officials .
A comprehensive program , to improve the school climate , involving everyone in the schools and the community , to address bullying at all school levels is essential to reducing incidences of bullying . Such a program must involve interventions at all levels , school wide , classroom and individual .
The District ’ s program : ( Also outlined in the section pertaining to the “ Safe School Climate Plan .”)
1 . Requires the development and implementation of a safe school climate plan by the Board of Education to address the existence of bullying and teen dating violence in its schools and requires at the beginning of each school year that students and their parents / guardians be notified of the process by which students may make such reports ;
Revised 8 / 23 / 2024