EHS STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25 | Page 24

If the Board of Education expels a student who has been identified as eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“ IDEA ”), it shall offer an alternative educational program to such student in accordance with the requirements of IDEA , as it may be amended from time to time .
X .
Notice of Student Expulsion on Cumulative Record A .
Notice of expulsion and the conduct for which the student was expelled shall be included on the student ' s cumulative educational record . Such notice , except for notice of an expulsion based upon possession of a firearm or deadly weapon , shall be expunged from the cumulative educational record by the Board if the student graduates from high school .
XI .
Change of Residence During Expulsion Proceedings A . Student moving into the school district :
1 . If a student enrolls in the district while an expulsion hearing is pending in another district , such student shall not be excluded from school pending completion of the expulsion hearing unless an emergency exists , as defined above . The Board shall retain the authority to suspend the student or to conduct its own expulsion hearing .
2 . Where a student enrolls in the district during the period of expulsion from another school district , the Board may adopt the decision of the student expulsion hearing conducted by such other school district . The Board shall make its determination based upon a hearing held by the Board which shall be limited to a determination of whether the conduct which was the basis of the expulsion would also warrant expulsion by the Board .
B . Student moving out of the school district :
Where a student withdraws from school after having been notified that an expulsion hearing is pending , but before a decision has been rendered by the Board , the notice of the pending expulsion hearing shall be included on the student ' s cumulative record and the Board shall complete the expulsion hearing and render a decision . If the Board subsequently renders a decision to expel the student , a notice of the expulsion shall be included on the student ' s cumulative record .
Procedures Governing Suspension and Expulsion of Students Identified as Eligible for Services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“ IDEA ”)
A . Suspension of IDEA students :
Notwithstanding the foregoing , if the Administration suspends a student identified as eligible for services under the IDEA ( an “ IDEA student ”) who has engaged in conduct that violated any rule or code of conduct of the school district that applies to all students , the following procedures shall apply :
1 . The Administration shall make reasonable attempts to immediately notify the parents of the student of the decision to suspend on the date on which the decision to suspend was made , and a copy
Revised 8 / 23 / 2024