EHS STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25 | Page 19

B .
In cases where the student has already been suspended , or such suspension will result in the student ' s being suspended , more than ten ( 10 ) times or fifty ( 50 ) days in a school year , whichever results in fewer days of exclusion , the student shall , prior to suspension , be granted a formal hearing before the Board of Education . The principal or designee shall report the student to the Superintendent or his / her designee and request a formal Board hearing .
V .
Procedures Governing In-School Suspension A .
B .
C .
D .
E .
The principal or designee may impose in-school suspension for students in grades 3-12 in cases where a student ' s conduct endangers persons or property , violates school policy , seriously disrupts the educational process or in other appropriate circumstances as determined by the principal or designee .
In-school suspension may not be imposed on a student without an informal hearing by the building principal or designee .
By telephone , the principal or designee shall make reasonable attempts to immediately notify the parent or guardian of a minor student following the suspension and state the cause ( s ) leading to the suspension .
Whether or not telephone contact is made with the parent or guardian of such minor student , the principal or designee shall forward a letter promptly to such parent or guardian to the last address reported on school records ( or to a newer address if known by the principal , or designee ), offering the parent or guardian an opportunity for a conference to discuss same .
No student shall be placed on in-school suspension more than fifteen ( 15 ) times or a total of fifty ( 50 ) days in one school year , whichever results in fewer days of exclusion .
VI .
Expulsion Recommendation Procedure A .
B .
A principal may consider recommendation of expulsion of a student in grades 3-12 in a case where he / she has reason to believe the student has engaged in conduct described at sections IIA . and IIB ., above .
A principal must recommend expulsion proceedings in all cases against any student whom the Administration has reason to believe :
1 . was in possession on school grounds or at a school-sponsored activity of a deadly weapon , dangerous instrument , martial arts weapon , or firearm as defined in 18 USC 921 as amended from time to time ; or
2 . off school grounds , possessed a firearm as defined in 18 USC 921 , in violation of Conn . Gen . Stat . 29-35 , or possessed and used a firearm as defined in 18 USC 921 , a deadly weapon , a dangerous instrument or a martial arts weapon in the commission of a crime under section 952 of the Connecticut General Statutes ; or
3 . was engaged on or off school grounds in offering for sale or distribution a controlled substance ( as defined in Conn . Gen . Stat . ยง 21a-240 ( 9 )), whose manufacturing , distribution , sale , prescription , dispensing , transporting , or
Revised 8 / 23 / 2024