EHS STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25 | Page 15

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Notwithstanding the foregoing , the reassignment of a student from one regular education classroom program in the district to another regular education classroom program in the district shall not constitute a suspension or expulsion .
K . “ Bullying ” means an act that is direct or indirect and severe , persistent or pervasive which :
• causes physical or emotional harm to an individual ,
• places an individual in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm , or ,
• infringes on the rights and opportunities of an individual at school .
Bullying shall include , but need not be limited to , a written , oral , or electronic communication or physical act or gesture based on any actual or perceived differentiating characteristic , such as race , color , religion , ancestry , national origin , gender , sexual orientation , gender identity or expression , socioeconomic status , academic status , physical appearance , or mental , physical , developmental or sensory disability , or by association with an individual or group who has or is perceived to have one or more of such characteristics .
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Cyberbullying – any act of bullying using the internet , interactive and digital technologies , cellular mobile telephone or other mobile electronic devices , or any electronic communications .
II .
Scope of the Student Discipline Policy A . Conduct on School Grounds or at a School-Sponsored Activity :
Students may be disciplined for conduct on school grounds or at any school-sponsored activity , that endangers persons or property , is seriously disruptive of the educational process , or that violates a publicized policy of the Board .
B . Conduct off School Grounds :
Students may be disciplined for conduct off school grounds if such conduct is seriously disruptive of the educational process and violative of a publicized policy of the Board . In making a determination as to whether such conduct is seriously disruptive of the educational process , the Administration and the Board of Education may consider , but such consideration shall not be limited to , the following factors : ( 1 ) whether the incident occurred within close proximity of a school ; ( 2 ) whether other students from the school were involved or whether there was any gang involvement ; ( 3 ) whether the conduct involved violence , threats of violence , or the unlawful use of a weapon , as defined in section Conn . Gen . Stat . § 29-38 , and whether any injuries occurred ; and ( 4 ) whether the conduct involved the use of alcohol .
In making a determination as to whether such conduct is seriously disruptive of the educational process , the Administration and / or the Board of Education may also consider whether such offcampus conduct involved the use of drugs , bullying , harassment , hostile environment or emotional / physical harm to any student .
1 . When considering whether conduct off school grounds is seriously disruptive of the educational process , the term " weapon " means any pistol or revolver , any dirk knife or switch knife having an
Revised 8 / 23 / 2024