EHS STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25 | Seite 57

order to attend dances . Failure to follow expectations at school may lead to a student being excluded from attending dances . Any attempt to attend an event after the privilege has been revoked may result in further disciplinary action . The administration has the right to accept or deny ANY student requesting to attend the dance . Below are some general rules of what will keep a student from attending any dance as a guest . “ Guest ” refers to any EHS student attending another school ’ s dance or an EHS student attending a EHS prom that is not sponsored by their graduating class .
1 . Student has accumulated 5 or more days of suspension for the current school year . 2 . Student is serving a day of suspension on the day of the event , or the day before if held on the weekend . 3 . Absence from school will result in loss of the privilege to attend events for that day . Students absent on Fridays will not be allowed to attend in Friday or weekend events .
Homecoming Dance Privilege Our annual Homecoming Dance is held in the fall and is one of the first opportunities of the school year for students to gather socially . The administration has the right to accept or deny any student requesting to attend the dance . Below are some general rules of what will keep a student from attending the Homecoming Dance .
1 . The student has 1 or more days of suspension ( ISS or OSS ) prior to the dance . 2 . The student has skipped any class prior to the dance . 3 . Accumulation of not meeting school expectations . 4 . Absence from school will result in loss of the privilege to attend events for that day . Students absent on Fridays will not be allowed to attend in Friday or weekend events .
Students have the opportunity to serve their class by running for election to one of the following positions : President , Vice-President , Secretary , Treasurer , or Historian . Class officers will serve a two-year term ( starting with elections in the fall of 2024 ), except for the Historian , who will serve a four-year term . Elections will be held in the fall for the incoming freshman class , and the spring for the current sophomores . Any student in good academic standing ( with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3 ) and good behavioral standing may run for an elected office .
POSTERS AND ADVERTISING MATERIAL IN THE SCHOOL Posters and other advertising material of non-school agencies will not be displayed or distributed in the Enfield Public Schools without prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools . The only exceptions to this policy will be those sponsored by the P . T . A ., P . T . O ., or Booster Club organizations . Any literature or material must have the approval of the high school administration before it can be posted in the school . All posters will be approved in Mr . Murray ’ s office . No student may pass out literature during school hours or during passing between classes .
Enfield High School Library
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