EHS Student Handbook 2022-23 | Page 65

Table of Cont . Grad . Req . Disciplinary Responibilities Stud . Activities School Services Miscellaneous
STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY Enfield High School Guidance Departments follow the Ethical Standards of American Association of Counseling and Development . These standards state in part that the school counselor protects the confidentiality of information received in the counseling process as specified by law and ethical standards . School counselors are to inform the appropriate authorities when a counselee ’ s condition indicates a clear imminent danger to the counselee or others . This is to be done after careful deliberation and , where possible , after consultation with other professionals . The State of Connecticut requires that school personnel , including counselors , report child abuse , child neglect , suspected child abuse , and / or a child under 13 with venereal disease to the Connecticut Department of Children and Families .
ENFIELD HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY The EHS Library is open Monday through Friday from 7:10 a . m . to 2:30 p . m . Computers are available for educational purposes to those who have signed the Acceptable Use Policy . Computer use is monitored . Examples of non-educational use not allowed in the EHS Library include games ( computers , board , cards ), online shopping , or watching non-educational videos .
The EHS Library collection includes resources ( book & online ) supporting the curriculum . Photocopiers and printers are available to support student work and research projects .
Circulation Information Students use their ID Cards to check out materials and are responsible for any items checked out in their names .
• Books may be signed out for a three-week circulation period and may be renewed if needed .
• Reference books & magazines do not circulate .
• Overdue notices are sent to students via school email .
• Overdue library material must be returned or paid for before students can receive diplomas .
Admittance to the EHS Library from a Class Any student excused from class to visit the library MUST have a pass from the teacher of that class .
Procedures The EHS Library welcomes academic activity . Students are expected to be working on schoolwork and projects while in the library . Because of the potential for damage , food and drink are NOT ALLOWED in the library at any time .
Eagle Block If students are scheduled to the library during Eagle Block ( EB ), students are expected to have an academic reason for being in the library during EB , such as needing to do homework , needing the Library Media Specialist ' s assistance , group work , or quiet reading .
iPad Help The EHS Library is one of the places in school where students can go to get help with their iPads . Students are required to have passes from their teacher if they are being sent out of class to the library to get iPad help .