Table of Cont . Grad . Req . Disciplinary Responibilities Stud . Activities School Services Miscellaneous
2 . The district shall immediately convene the student ' s Section 504 team ( 504 team ), for the purpose of reviewing the relationship between the student ' s disability and the behavior that led to the recommendation for expulsion , in order to determine whether the student ' s behavior was a manifestation of his / her disability .
3 . If the 504 team finds that the behavior was a manifestation of the student ' s disability , the Administration shall not proceed with the recommendation for expulsion . The 504 team shall consider the student ' s misconduct and revise the 504 plan to prevent a recurrence of the misconduct and to provide for the safety of other students and staff .
4 . If the 504 team finds that the behavior was not a manifestation of the student ' s disability , the Administration may proceed with the recommendation for expulsion .
Notification to Parents or Guardian
A .
B .
The parents or guardian of any minor student either expelled or suspended or removed from class shall be given notice of such disciplinary action within twenty-four ( 24 ) hours of the time of the institution of the period of expulsion , suspension or removal from class .
The Superintendent or his / her designee shall forward to the student concerned and his / her parents , or the student if he / she has attained the age of 18 , a copy of this Board policy on student discipline at the time the Superintendent or his / her designee sends out the notice that an expulsion hearing will be convened .
XV .
An expelled student may apply for early readmission to school . The Board delegates the authority to make decisions on readmissions to the Administration . Students desiring readmission to school shall direct such readmission requests to the Administration . The Administration has the discretion to approve or deny such readmission requests , and may condition readmission on specified criteria .
Dissemination of Policy The Board of Education shall , at the beginning of each school year and at such other times as it may deem appropriate , provide for an effective means of informing all students , parent ( s ) and / or guardian ( s ) of this policy .
Compliance with Reporting Requirements
1 . The Board of Education shall report all suspensions and expulsions to the State Department of Education .
2 . If the Board of Education expels a student for sale or distribution of a controlled substance , the Board shall refer such student to an appropriate state or local agency for rehabilitation , intervention or job training and inform the agency of its action .