EHS Student Handbook 2021 | Page 62

SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual harassment is expressly prohibited and will not be tolerated in any form. Sexual harassment shall include, but not be limited to: unwelcome advances, direct or indirect demands or requests for sexual favors, sexual comments, gestures, or other physical actions of a sexual nature. All reported incidents of sexual harassment will be promptly and thoroughly investigated. (See Policy 5145.41) SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY Through the use of a K-12 curriculum, classroom activities, community support and resources, a strong and consistent student support system, and referral and disciplinary procedures, the Enfield Public Schools will work to educate, prevent, and intervene in the use and abuse of all drug, alcohol, steroids, mood altering substances, nicotine, tobacco, and its related products by the entire student population (K-12). Violations on School Grounds or School Activity: “A student will be in violation of this policy if on a school bus, school grounds, during a school session, anywhere at a school-sponsored activity, or at a school bus stop, he or she is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, steroids, or mood altering substances or possesses, uses, dispenses, sells, or aids in the procurement of mood altering substances, or over-the-counter drugs or drug paraphernalia. Such students shall be subject to discipline and intervention pursuant to the provision and procedures outlined in this Administrative Regulation." Violations On or Off School Grounds – Felony Arrest or Arrest of a Serious Nature: “Students may also be subject to discipline for the conduct listed above when such conduct results in a felony arrest or arrest of a serious nature, occurring both inside and outside of school activities on or off school property. Students who engage in such conduct outside of school activities and off school property shall be subject to disciplinary action with regard to participation in athletics and other co-curricular activities. Students shall sign an acknowledgement of the requirement that they refrain from such conduct as a condition from participation in athletics or co-curricular activities.” This form will become part of the Administrative Regulation and will be distributed to all students involved in activities and will be implemented equally and without prejudice. USE OF ALCOHOL DETECTION DEVICES The Enfield Board of Education (BOE) is committed to promoting safe and substance-free school sponsored activities and events both on and off school grounds. The Enfield BOE adopted policy 5145.124 for all students enrolled in our schools and their guests who attend school sponsored activities and events whether conducted on or off school grounds and the students who attend them. 1. No alcoholic or intoxicating beverages of any kind are permitted in any building or at any event or activity authorized by the BOE at any time. 2. The consumption of alcoholic or intoxicating beverages prior to or during any school sponsored event or activity on or off school grounds is strictly prohibited by the BOE. Therefore, in order to promote a safe environment for our students and their guests at school sponsored and/or Board authorized activities and events, the school administration is authorized to employ the use of both “passive” and/or “active” alcohol detection devices. (For complete policy information, please see BOE policy #5145.124) DESK AND LOCKER SEARCHES School lockers and desks are the property of the Enfield Public Schools. At no time does the Enfield Public School District relinquish its exclusive control of lockers and desks. School authorities for any reason may conduct periodic general inspections of lockers and desks at any time, without notice, without the user’s consent, and without a search warrant. In addition, the board authorizes school and law enforcement officials to search specific student lockers, desks and other school property available for the use of students for the presence of weapons, contraband, and the fruits of a crime if (1) the search is justified at its inception 62