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Carbohydrates are an excellent nutrients and the human’s main source of energy. Carbs provide energy, they can help you prevent diseases such as fiber in preventing diabetes, and also they can help you for controlling your weight. Even though people say that carbs are the ones that get blamed for weight gain, they can be very helpful if properly ingested. It is stated that kids and adults should eat about 45 to 65 percent of their total calorie diet. Carbs can be found in pasta, rice, bread, cereals and more. On the other hand there are some bad carbs found in junk food, like potato chips, cookies and fries.


Proteins are the ones responsible for almost any “cellular life task”. They are all over the human body. Proteins are the ones that make the cell shape and organization and also the product manufacture. Proteins can be divided in two, such as complete and incomplete proteins. Complete proteins include all of the amino acids a good diet need, an example are poultry, fish, meat, milk, eggs and cheese. Incomplete proteins lack of amino acids, a good example are grains, peas, cord, seed and nuts. All human bodies need proteins to build tissue and create digestive enzymes.


Water is vital for any living thing. It makes about 60% of the human body. Water is a significant compound to a great diet. A normal adult should drink about 1.5 liter of water per day. Water provides five major functions to the body, cell life, elimination of waste, chemical and metabolic reactions, transport of nutrients and regulation of body temperature. Water is the center of life, what is why people con not survive beyond 3 to 5 days without any water.


Vitamins are very important and completely necessary for human growth. There are a lot of types of vitamins and how they are classified. Some vitamins are A, B-1, D, K, C and so on. Some benefits of vitamins include, eyesight and immune system, help the body process carbs and proteins, and needed for creating red blood cells and cell division.


Fats are an organic compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They belong to the lipids group, fats come in liquid or solid. Even though fats are no good, they are needed for calories in the human body. Fats provide fatty acids, which are not made by the body and have to be obtained by food. Fats are divided in several groups, such as saturated fats, unsaturated and trans fatty acids. Saturated fats, known as the ones responsible for high or bad cholesterol, include all the products obtained from an animal, such as cheese, milk, butter, cream and fatty meats. Unsaturated fats include olive and canola oils, fish, sunflower and soybeans. And for last, trans fatty acids are donuts, cookies, margarines and processed foods.

Health and Culture/ March, 2014 3

Optimal Nutritional Guidelines

As a result to maintain a healthy life, adolescents as well as adults need to follow a diet including all five components. Living a happy, healthy and worry free life of any diseases can be achieved just by following a balanced diet