EH Magazine-Vol 40 Final Volume 40 | Page 55

Sweet ’ s authentic approach inspires people and uplifts them , something that parallels both her day job and online outreach . On her website , Sweet shares content from fashion to business tips , general lifestyle and travel . In her day job for iHeart Radio , Sweet works in digital marketing and communications , creating dynamic campaigns to promote content and get people excited about radio programming .
“ I have so many aspirations and a finite amount of time here , and the law of attraction only happens when you call it to you ,” says Sweet , whose passions and inspirations celebrate what people are going through in their day-to-day lives . “ I think back to when I started my career and getting my broadcast journalism degree — I had so many other interests like healthcare and finances and politics that I decided I could create my own path and be my own innovator .”
Marketing experience has afforded Sweet the opportunity to learn how to reach consumers of her content and discover how she can best serve others . She has also learned how to excel in her personal life , being there for herself and the people she loves . Sweet married her college sweetheart . On the list of her daily affirmations , gratitude takes top marks .
“ On my worst days , I remind myself of the progress I have made in the past ten years and I know all the work that led me to where I am today ,” says Sweet , who puts health and wellness center of mind .
Sweet credits a sense of confidence that led her to become a Garden of Life consumer long before she began working with the company as an influencer .
“ We use Garden of Life in my household , both me and my husband , including vitamins every day and it ’ s all part of our routine ,” says Sweet . “ We work out together as a team with a trainer to train specific muscles in our body – my husband ran track in college and I danced and cheered and played soccer , having been active all of our lives .”
Sweet and her husband have a pre-workout Garden of Life regimen in the morning followed by breakfast and vitamins , which Sweet calls essential to a healthful life .
“ I also take Dr . Formulated Probiotics and I never needed them until I was in my late 20s when I discovered how they alleviate my bloating , control my indigestion and even ease menstrual cramps , ” says Sweet , whose husband takes the Sport Energy & Focus before any sort of exercise and Sport Protein Powder post-workout . “ We love the mykind Organics Elderberry Gummies — they taste like candy and help promote a healthy immune system .
For Sweet , the balance of health is about establishing a foundation and baseline and supplementing from there . She experienced some knee pain during the summer and began taking Dr . Formulated CBD Inflammatory Response Gummies .
“ A multivitamin is essential , but you can ’ t expect cough syrup to cure a headache or ibuprofen to cure a cough — you ’ ve got to take into account all other parts of the body ,” says Sweet . “ Decode what your health goals are and start researching clean ingredients , like Garden of Life which are GMO certified .”
Diet and exercise are a huge part of Sweet ’ s life , something she approaches with purpose . For Sweet , it begins with getting organized for each week and having a focus .
“ One month , I eliminated sugar all together and mentally felt so much better while in October , I wanted to focus on meditation on mindfulness , incorporating setting healthy goals ,” says Sweet .

Be Good to Yourself

Jasmine Sweet ’ s Top Tips for Extraordinary Health

Be patient .

“ We ’ ve been going to our trainer since July and just began to see results in October . Think about how slowly your body changes on the outside , so imagine how long it will take to change it from the inside . Measure differences week-to-week and month-to-month , not day-to-day .”

Make a goal and stick with it .

“ Sure , I would love to have some biscuits and gravy at brunch in Nashville , but I have a goal and it ’ s about me achieving the mental strength to do this . Set those monthly and weekly goals and stick to them .”

Don ’ t mess with success .

“ We work out four times a week and the other three days are rest days . On the four exercise days , we work out in the morning , which gets us going for the day . I don ’ t want to mess up my health goals . Going to the gym in the morning helps me remember that I don ’ t want to break the mold I began at the beginning of the day .”

The key to balance .

“ When it comes to nutrition , make sure your system is geared to be ready for whatever you eat and equipped physically , mentally and emotionally . That ’ s how you achieve a healthy balance .”

Listen to your body .

“ When you start practicing the discipline of extraordinary health , your body will tell you what it needs . Working out too much , your body will say , make some changes . Not working out enough , the same thing will happen .”

Don ’ t lose momentum . “ No matter where you are , there are baby steps in setting lifestyle goals for yourself and that will help you along your way .”

You are not alone . “ Never forget that the universe has your back and the energy is sitting there for you to capture it . If you ’ re stuck and broken or operating from a deficit , you can ’ t receive it – so be ready to receive it by doing the work . When you have done the work , you feel supported .”

Extraordinary Health • Vol 40 53