EH Magazine-Vol 40 Final Volume 40 | Page 18

Key Vitamins & Minerals for Immune Support

Be sure to include a wide variety of colorful organic vegetables and fruits in your diet to get the antioxidants you need to help fight free radicals and boost that immune system . All vitamins and minerals are important , but we are going to focus on three that you want to be sure you are getting enough of , especially during this time :
No surprise here ! Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient and is a potent antioxidant to support our body ’ s immune defense system .
• Look for foods such as organic bell peppers , kiwi , citrus fruits & broccoli
• Try to steer clear of orange juice as it is full of sugar
• Supplement with mykind Organics delicious Vitamin C sprays — great for the entire family !
Although vitamin D is important to support a healthy immune system , it is highly unlikely that you have optimal levels of it in your blood unless you are supplementing .
• Not many foods offer much in the way of vitamin D except fatty fish such as salmon , tuna and mackerel
• Get outside and enjoy at least 20 minutes of sunshine on your skin ( without sunscreen ) regularly
• You may want to supplement with Vitamin Code Raw D3 , mykind Organics D3 spray or chewables
Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a role in immune function and protein synthesis . It ’ s primarily found in meat so for vegans and vegetarians , zinc supplementation is recommended .
• Look for grass-fed meat which is high in bioavailable zinc
• Vegans & vegetarians may have a higher need for supplementation
• Supplement with Vitamin Code Zinc ( 30mg ) for those needing an extra boost
16 Vol 40 • Extraordinary Health