EH Magazine-Vol 40 Final Volume 40 | Page 14

The Quest for Our Organic Coffeeberry

Begins & Ends in Coatepec , Mexico

by Jeff Brams
When I landed in Veracruz , Mexico , it was almost 90 ° F — a typical winter ’ s day in this beach resort town . Our good friends at Van Drunen family farms have been busy creating a novel process for harvesting and extracting organic coffee cherries in a small village , about a two hour drive from this town . When I took this trip , Jeff Van Drunen and I had been collaborating on some uniquely powerful ingredients for our SPORT product line for several years , and it was time for me to see the Organic Coffee Finca where Jeff was making one of our key ingredients for the Pre-Workout Energy + Focus formula .
12 Vol 40 • Extraordinary Health