Egypt Egypt | Page 8

Trial by Terror

The Muslim Brotherhood and Their Terrorizing Actions

The Muslim Brotherhood is really a terrorist organization who has been posing as simply a political party. During elections, they and their representatives presented themselves as a fair political entity accepting of peace, democracy, and all religions. However, once in control, they were revealed to be a biased, terrorizing group of people bent on controlling Egypt as a nation of exclusively Islam.

After the deposition of Hosni Mubarak a few years ago in Egypt, the country was left with hundreds of thousands of people hoping to develop their nation into a democracy at the level of the United States. Unfortunately, the people of Egypt were not ready for politics including different parties and races for political seats. In fact, only one political party even existed: The Muslim Brotherhood, a controversial party who was almost nonexistent during Mubarak's 35 year term as dictator of Egypt. When it came time for an actual President to be elected, dozens of parties scrambled to form and put out a candidate, although none were prepared like the Muslim Brotherhood was. They selected Mohammed Morsi, who everyone thought would be fair towards all religious groups. This ended up being just a political tactic; he did whatever the Muslim Brotherhood collectively wanted to do. This angered the Coptic Christians, who, along with other lesser-known entities wanted to oust President Morsi. When he was finally ousted, the Muslim Brotherhood was so angry that they began to attack the Coptic Christians. Although the Christians were one of many organizations against Morsi, they were the largest entity and so they became the scapegoat of dozens of attacks from the Muslim Brotherhood. Since the ousting of Morsi, there have been dozens of attacks on churches all over Egypt, and Morsi is currently on trial for inciting violence.

The Muslim Brotherhood is currently an uncontrollable terrorist force who is unjustly attacking a minority group who, along with most of the nation outside of the Brotherhood, were against a dictator-like president. It is clear that Egypt was not ready do be a democratic society when they were released from the ruling of Hosni Mubarak, and now we know that they are paying for their lack of preparation with an organization who would like nothing more than to control the country and even start a war with Israel, like the other predominantly Muslim countries i.e. Syria.

Works Cited:

K. Saavedra, personal communication, March 1, 2014