Egypt Egypt | Page 12

By: David Orlando

Egypt's Crisis

Three years ago the arab spring took a turn for the worst in Egypt. Hosni Mubarak, the dictator of Egypt for 29 years, began to lose even more popularity with the masses of Egypt. After food price inflation and unemployment rose, so did the citizens and their hatred for dictator Hosni Mubarak. When corruption inside the Mubarak regime was exposed, more than ever the people of Egypt saw their chance to grab the country right out from under their Dictator, and have a democratic government. On January 25, 2011 peaceful protest began in the cities all over Egypt.

With strong political censorship, the people used the internet and social media against their Dictator. From Cairo, people were inspiring industrial workers and people of all professions to stop what they were doing and begin protesting in the streets. Unfortunately, as the dictator began to see the potential of the protests, violence was brought to the scene by the Egyptian Government, army, and the police. Peaceful protest quickly turned into violent riots. Until the end of the revolution on February 11th, violent riots and fights continued to rage in Egypt and the surrounding countries.

The end result of the arab spring in Egypt and the military coup was that Hosni Mubarak was ousted from office and he, his family, and his former ministers were put on trial. The destruction of the former constitution and the making of a new constitution. Egypt held a democratic election and Mohamed Morsi ran for president and got it winning the democratic election only to also be thrown out of office on the 3rd of July 2013. Egypt is still in turmoil and needs an honest leader to lead their country to greatness again at the moment the Egyptian people are still picking up the pieces.

What are some personal views on how or if Egypt can become peaceful you may ask? Well I personally probably would have sided with "the mob" the people of Egypt the average every day to day person who was unhappy with their government and their leaders and how they were running "their country". Honestly I feel that these people are the ones that were right when ousting all of these people one of which they actually elected democratically in order to restore some well order. I believe that the people of Egypt will figure things out and restore Egypt and make it a democratically run country that can run itself.