Egypt Daily october,2013 | Page 5

. This form of supplements is harmless to vital body functions and hormone levels. Anabolic steroids are a different story. Steroids are derivatives of the hormone called testosterone. Testosterone is the is hormone responsible for the formation of male characteristics in men(hair growth, deep voice , muscle growth). This hormone sounds wonderful with every man now demanding for more of it in order to fit into the criteria of that ripped and muscular man that appears on TV. Well, it isn’t that simple. Exogenous steroids intake will lead the body into shutting down its own natural production of testosterone. High levels of testosterone are also related to high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Kidney and liver stress is logical due to unnatural amounts of steroids that are being processed. In teenagers the damage doesn’t stop here. Steroid intake can lead into the premature closing of growth plates in bones. In simple terms, steroids will permanently stunt your bone development. To conclude our short insight of steroids, exogenous steroids intake can permanently harm a critically developing teenage body. This unfortunate reality of steroid intake has really increased in Egypt. Local gyms around Egypt sell or encourage steroid intake. It is even legal to walk in into any pharmacy and buy testosterone for as cheap as 4.l.E!!! This is an epidemic we all have to stand against in order to protect ourselves children from such dangers. Be wise and choose your health. BY:Adham Hindawi