eGaming Review May 2012 | Page 56

SSP O N SSO R E D E D IITTO R IIA L PON ORED ED OR AL SKILROCK GAME FOCUS Finally it's all about games Games are the face of an egaming operator and bear a signi?cant in?uence in the player’s mind. Kamlesh Vijay of Skilrock explains that however strong the underlying technology and process, in the end, the success of an operator is all about the games offered We live in an era of rapid technology changes and their adaptation in social spheres. Players tend to relate their real-life dreams and aspirations to games. It is, therefore, very important to map the player’s innate expectations to the games that a gaming operator has on offer. We believe that the operator knows its target segment very well in terms of player taste and social trends and, therefore, the challenge lies in offering the games that exactly ?t such expectations. Skilrock, the technology arm of Sugal & Damani Group, believes in customisation and offers games to its clients that ?t the exact expectation of the players. The engagement with the operator ideally starts with reviewing the portfolio of games that are currently offered, or can be offered, to arrive at an expectation map. The social and cultural trend, which is unique for players of different operators, is the next important aspect to consider for long-term ?t. Once the requirements are known, the game designers’ blend of innovation and creativity delivers the right appeal to players. Opponents of game customisation may say that the process is very interaction-intensive and time-consuming for real bene?ts to accrue. However, offering rich experiences to players does not come easily and the dividends are natural and long term. At the same time, Skilrock believes that the customisation process can be signi?cantly improved if the approach to game design is changed. Having the experience of developing innovative tools (with patents ?led) to expedite the process and keeping a large reference library ready to showcase game concepts and modules, the game designing cycle can be signi?cantly expedited even if intrinsic customisati ?\?[????Y ???[????]X?\?H?Y?{? X?[?[?\?Z[?Y[??[YH?H?[Y\?]??\??[??[Y]?\?\?\?^\?Y[??H\?[?[??]\?Y??\?[?^Y\?]\?X??H[?HX?????H]??K?[YH[??]H[??Y?[]?H?\]Z\?[Y[??]?^\?Y[??H?]??[ X?\?Y?[Y\?[??\?H[?\?X?[\?\??[?\?\???]?\?[?\?]????XZ?[????YH???HH?Y][?[?[???KH?\?H?\?]??\?H\?\?[????[???H[\?[?\???[ X?\?Y?\?H?[Y\?\??]H[?]?Y?Y[?[?Y][??]??Y][?[?\?K?\?HH8?&??[8?&H[[Y[?\?YX[???????\?^Y\?[????[Y[?[??[??H[?\?Z[???[Y\?[??]\?[??Y?[]?H?\]Z\?[Y[???[XZ[??[H??\X[??\?H8?&?[Y\???[??x?&H?\?H??[\??\?H?\?[?][?^Y\?X??HH?Y?[\??\?H??[Y\?XZ[?Z[?[??H?\?X??\?X?\??H?\?K??X?X????\??[??YH?^H?H]?H[????X[\?H[?]XY?H?^H??Y][?[^Y\??Y?Y[?[??]?[?YH??X[\????X[?[Z[???[????\?8?&?[??&H[???X[[?^H[?^\?H??[?][????H????^Y\??\?K?\?H\?HX?????H[????X[?Y?\?[??\?]\?H[Y\??[??[??YY??H\Y ?H?\??Z\?Y?[YH??\??X\?HY\][????[?[???X?\?H???[?H?[??[??[?\?H[??Y?H^Y\??&\?Y?\?[H[??Y?\?[??\?H?[Y\??[??[\H?H?XZ?Y[??]\?H?;? ]?]??[?YY??]?X]\?X\?K??]?]?\??\??[????[Y\??[X\?Y H^Y\??]?H?[??H?[?[Z\?H[??\???[][??H?[Y\??\??[??[??Y?\?[K\?X?H[\??[??H?][?[?[?[YH?[?\??\??[??X?\?X?H?[??]H??]\??]?[?YH???X????H?\?]?????SST??R?VB???\?S??Y?[ ?[X[?H??\ ?[[\??Z?^H\?H]X[Y?YY?\?\?YX???[?[??] ?HYX\???^\?Y[??H[??\?[?\?X?????H??[?\?][???X?\?? V[??K??[[\?\?Y\?Y\[?\??[?[???X?????H\X?][??[??\?H[??[Z[??[???[?\?][??X????]?\??H?[\?\?[??[??\Y\???M??????Y?XY?^?[?K???B??