EFSConnections Fall 2023 | Page 28

EFSC Spring Graduation


EASTERN FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE STUDENTS celebrated graduation this past spring with a true family affair , earning their diplomas to the cheers of family , friends , and college faculty and staff .
The afternoon ceremony was very much a pre-Mother ’ s Day weekend celebration in at least four cases . Members of four families joined each other to walk across the stage , including a mother and her child graduating on the same day and in one case a mother and two children .
Niccole Patellis , her daughter Emma Dion and stepson Christopher Patellis all earned Associate in Arts degrees , with Niccole also having previously received an Aerospace Technology A . S . degree at EFSC .
“ My brother and I were both part of the dual enrollment program at Merritt Island High School which allowed us to get our A . A .,” said Dion , who is joining the U . S . Army where she will study to be a veterinary technician , while Christopher is heading to UCF with plans to eventually become a doctor .
“ Our mother works for Microsoft and so she was able to further her degree through her job . She plans on getting her bachelor ’ s degree through Eastern Florida in cybersecurity ,” added Dion , who said that dad and two other siblings are also currently EFSC students who plan to graduate together next spring .
Also adding to the family atmosphere were mother and son graduates Dorothy and Dawson Bowman and Traci and Elijah McGough , who all earned A . A . degrees , plus mother and daughter Stefanie and Mia Rodriguez , who both completed the Early Childhood Education A . S . and associated certificates .
“ She really wanted to be a teacher and wanted to open her own preschool so when she let me know her goal , we both decided to enroll ,” said Stefanie . “ My daughter wants to get a doctorate and be a principal and run her own school . When I was younger , I wanted to be a teacher , but I ended up in the medical field because of my mother . I guess my daughter kind of inherited that love for teaching from me .”
The McGoughs did not originally plan to finish at the same time , but were excited when it worked out that way .
As the song says , it ’ s a mother and child reunion ! Pictured left to right : Elijah McGough , Traci McGough , Dorothy Bowman , Dawson Bowman , Christopher Patellis , Niccole Patellis , Emma Dion , Mia Rodriguez , and Stefanie Rodriguez .
“ We both started the process for Direct Connect to UCF . Elijah will be majoring in Information Technology and I will be majoring in International and Global Studies ,” said Traci . “ I work at the Kennedy Space Center so this major will tie in well with what I do .”
When now 17-year-old Dawson Bowman started EFSC ’ s dual enrollment program , it prompted his mom to go back and finish college .
“ When I was in high school , I pushed my mom to go back to school and now I am doing the same ,” said Dorothy whose son will move on to Florida Polytechnic University in Lakeland to major in mechanical engineering . College President Dr . Jim Richey congratulated all of the spring graduates , saying , “ Today is a special day in your lives because it marks an impressive accomplishment . It also marks the start of an exciting journey as you begin using what you have learned to advance your careers and live a richer , fuller life .”

Getting here has not been easy with many of you juggling jobs , families , and other responsibilities . But you stayed the course despite the challenges you faced . That fortitude is not something that can be taught in the classroom . Rather , it speaks to your strength of character in a way that you can draw on in the years ahead . My admiration for you is immense and so is the pride that all of us at EFSC have for you .
- Dr . Richey , President