EFSConnections Fall 2023 | Page 11

Lifelong Educator Named


CONGRATULATIONS to Dr . Diana Wehrell-Grabowski , a lifelong science educator who has made significant contributions to the field for being named the Eastern Florida State College Foundation ’ s 2023 Distinguished Alumni .
“ Diana ’ s dedication to education and society at large showcases the important impact that EFSC graduates are making every day ,” said Tonya Cherry , the EFSC Foundation ’ s Executive Director .
“ She is a renowned leader always striving to improve the world , and we are honored to present her the award and call her a friend of the college .”
Wehrell-Grabowski was nominated by Dr . Kelly Dwenger , former Director of EFSC ’ s Academic Success Centers .
Dwenger praised her for “ introducing children and adults to the wonders of science and STEM ” and being “ an advocate for promoting scientific literacy in underserved populations and communities .”
A 1979 graduate of the college when it was known as Brevard Community College , Wehrell-Grabowski holds a Doctorate Degree in Science Education from the Florida Institute of Technology , and a Master ’ s Degree specializing in secondary science from the University of Guam .
She has been a full-time science educator , assistant director for the Center of Excellence at the Florida Institute of Technology , adjunct professor , and the owner of Mobile Science Education Consulting Services .
In the latter role , she travels the nation and world conducting science and STEM professional staff development and Family Science events for educators , administrators and families .
Her work has taken her to Columbia , the Dominican Republic , Indonesia , Mexico , the Philippines , Thailand , Turkey , Puerto Rico and Guam .
Wehrell-Grabowski has presented at hundreds of educational conferences and remains active in the classroom , conducting hands-on science and STEM lessons in public and private schools and community science and STEM events . She also focuses on attracting more women into science careers .
The Eastern Florida State College Foundation is accepting nominations until November 1 for the College ’ s 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award . Nominees must have completed at least one course at EFSC , Brevard Community College or Brevard Junior College .
Full details on eligibility and information are available at easternflorida . edu / foundation / alumni / distinguished-alumni . cfm
EFSConnections Fall 2023 | 11