Pets / Animals
The Student Housing Corporation is committed to following Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act , the Americans with Disabilities Act , the Fair Housing Act , and Florida Statutes § 413.08 , 413.081 , and 760.27 .
Pets are not permitted in the campus housing facilities ; however , persons with disabilities may be accompanied by legitimate service animals , and the Housing Corporation will consider requests for emotional support animals as a reasonable accommodation , subject to the following :
Required Notice to Director of Support Services Any student who wishes to have either a service animal or an emotional support animal must notify the Director of Support Services prior to the animal ’ s arrival within the facilities . Failure to notify prior to arrival may require the animal ’ s immediate removal and applicable fines may apply .
To request an emotional support animal ( ESA ) accommodation , a student must notify the Director of Support Services and submit an ESA Housing Accommodation Request Form , along with official documentation from licensed health care provider ( s ), to EFSC ’ s accessibility / disability services department commonly known as “ SAIL ” ( Student Access for Improved Learning ) at SAIL @ easternflorida . edu . SAIL will review the student ’ s documentation to determine if the student is an individual with a disability which qualifies for an ESA housing accommodation .
Service Animals A service animal is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability . The work or tasks performed must be directly related to the person ’ s disability . Such animals might guide individuals with impaired vision , alert individuals who are hearing impaired to intruders or sounds , pull a wheelchair , or fetch items used in daily living . Service animals are generally permitted in all facilities when the service animal is accompanied by an individual with a disability who indicates the service animal is trained to provide , and does provide , a specific service to them that is directly related to their disability . In Florida , a person who knowingly and willfully misrepresents themself , through conduct or verbal or written notice , as using a service animal and being qualified to use a service animal commits a misdemeanor of the second degree . See Florida Statute 413.08 ( 9 ).
Emotional Support Animals An emotional support animal is not individually trained but affords a person with a disability an equal opportunity to enjoy student housing . Emotional support animals are not considered service animals under ADA because they have not been trained to perform a disability-related work or task . An emotional support animal may provide emotional support , calm , stability , and other kinds of assistance . Emotional support animals are generally permitted only in a student ’ s bedroom . Students wishing to have an emotional support animal must make a request for a reasonable accommodation . Depending on the circumstances , students may be required to provide detailed information and / or applicable documentation supporting their request . Emotional support animals are not permitted in the student housing facility unless and until the Director of Support Services has been notified and SAIL has approved the animal as a reasonable accommodation . Any student in violation of the above will be charged a pet violation of $ 100.00 per day .