Retaliation – No student may retaliate against a person or group who makes a report or complaint , cooperates with an investigation , or otherwise assists College officials in the enforcement of this Student Code of Conduct or any other College procedure . Retaliation includes intimidation , threats , harassment , and other adverse actions .
Search and Seizure – With reasonable suspicion , College officials may conduct a search of a student ’ s person or property for the purpose of obtaining information or evidence incident to a violation , or suspected violation , of the law or this Student Code of Conduct . If necessary , local law enforcement may be contacted for follow up . Students who fail or refuse to cooperate may be subject to discipline .
Sexual Exploitation – Sexual Exploitation occurs when a person takes advantage of the sexuality of another person without consent or in a manner that goes beyond the boundaries of consensual sexual activity without the knowledge of the other individual for any purpose , including sexual gratification , financial gain , personal benefit , or any other non-legitimate purpose .
Examples of behavior that could rise to the level of Sexual Exploitation include :
• Viewing another person ’ s sexual activity , intimate body parts , or nakedness in a place where that person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy , without the consent of all parties involved
• Recording , distributing , publishing , or streaming images ( such as video or photograph ) or audio of another person ’ s sexual activity , intimate body parts , or nakedness without that person ’ s consent
• Prostituting another person
• Exposing one ’ s intimate body parts in unwelcome or non-consensual circumstances or inducing another person to so expose
• Knowingly exposing another individual to a sexually transmitted infection or disease
• Inducing incapacitation for the purpose of making another person vulnerable to non-consensual sexual activity
Sexual Misconduct – Conduct that constitutes , or allegations that if proven would constitute , Sexual Harassment , Sexual Assault , Dating Violence , Domestic Violence , or Stalking , as those terms are defined in Section 800.10 of the College Procedures Manual are considered Sexual Misconduct . Any allegations of Sexual Harassment , Sexual Assault , Dating Violence , Domestic Violence , or Stalking , as those terms are defined in Section 800.10 of the College Procedures Manual , shall be processed in accordance with that section . Other forms of conduct of a sexual nature not specifically addressed in Section 800.10 of the College Procedures Manual may be subject to discipline under this code of conduct , including , but not limited to , Assault / Battery , Endangerment , Hazing , Interference with College Guests , Invasion of Privacy , and Sexual Exploitation .
Smoking – Consumption of any tobacco products and electronic cigarettes is strictly prohibited within all College work areas , including conference rooms , classrooms , restrooms , stairwells , and hallways . Smoking is also prohibited in any College-owned / hired / leased vehicles ( to include golf carts ). Smoking on College property will only be allowed at designated smoking areas . Employees , students , and visitors may use designated smoking areas only . Proper disposal of smoking material in the ash urns provided is required .